
It is sad that if someone has something beauty that people would do anything to get their hands on it. Moldaks are such beautifull creatures who do not deserve to be poached.
— Yamaderis
  Moldaks are large herbivores living primarily in the Tokag Wastes but can also be found further north and east. Their most defining trait is their hard carapace which strangely enough refracts light in such a way that is shows a rainbow of colours.   This carapace does not only look beautiful but also serves a purpose. It is quite hard but the reflective capabilities ensure that Moldaks are well protected against magical energy. When magical energy strikes the carapace it is either absorbed or reflected making these quite difficult to kill creatures.    

Extra Information

Scientific Name
molada (molada)
Can be found in the Tokag Wastes but also close to its edges
30 - 54
6-8 m lenght




  A moldak is a creature that has rather short legs and neck but a very large and bloated body in comparison. The entirety of this body is covered by a special carapace which shows a true rainbow of bright colours when sunslight shines on it. Strangely enough this carpace protects the creatures agains most magic attacks as it is extremely magic resistant. In some case magical energy can even be reflected back by the Moldak.   The size of its main body is mainly due to the environment where it as it serves as a way to store large amounts of waters. In addition to the carapace the Moldak has a set of horns for additional protection.  


  Moldaks are hardy creatures and can survive quite a long time without needing new food or water. Whenever they can they refill their bodies with large quantities of water which they can store for at least a few weeks. They need food more frequently but don't eat large amounts. Small bushes and plants found within the dry environment of the Tokag Wastes are enough for this creature.  

Moldak by kefkejaco with midjourney



  In most cases Moldaks can be found within the Tokag Wastes, a very dry environment with only sparse vegetation. However, they are often sighted at the edges of the desert as well. Sometimes they stay near lush rivers for several months before travelling back to the desert.    


  For most of their life Moldaks stay in a single herd although it can occur that near the end of their life they take a more solitary lifestyle. They reproduce with the other Moldaks from their herd and give birth to 3 to 5 children over the course of their life.   The children are protected by the herd and commonly placed at the center to ensure maximum protection from predators. It takes about 15 years for a Moldak to be fully grown after which they start looking for a partner.  




  Sadly the Moldaks are commonly hunted for their carapaces. The special magical resistance of their shell and its beauty provide the poacher ample reasons to try to get their hands on them. This practice has greatly deminished their numbers over the years.   In some cases the carapaces are used for it's special light refracting capabilities in items such as jewelry. At other times they are used to create superb magical resistance armor.  
Yamaderis misplaced this image by Kefkjaco with heroforge

Cover image: Moldak by kefkejaco with midjourney


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