Seeds of Bethir

I quite like the seeds of Bethir myth as it teaches the rewards from labour. Gods are not here to provide for our every need, a lesson which people sometimes forget. It is best to be self dependent. Although I have to admit that the people in the myth received a little push.
— High Sage Syronikir
  In the Misiran mythology there is a myth about Bethir, the god of the earth, and the creation of the first grain. It is a quite popular myth in Kevarim as it links the Eridani river region to an important god.  

The Myth

In ancient times life was harsh and the desert unforgiving. The people of the land found no fruit bearing trees or wildlife as the long summer had put an end to all. In a desperate plea a little girl shouted out to the gods asking for help. Her prayers were heard by Bethir, the god of the land.   From the south he came riding on the waves of sand until he reached the river where the girl's tribe stayed. "Do not worry my child for I have what you need. But life can not come from the earth without a bit of work and so the a task will be given to you. You shall walk along the river and drop these seeds. Wherever you pass my gift will be revealed"   And so the girl followed the course of the river, dropping seeds along the way. Wherever she went life would bloom and soon the banks of the river were filled with grain. The girl rejoiced as her people could finally eat as long as they worked the land. And so Bethir keeps granting his gift each year as long as we do our part.  
Yamaderis misplaced this image by Kefkjaco with heroforge

Cover image: Nervonia by Gam-Ol on pixabay


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