Altmer - High Elf

According to tradition, the Fleet of High Lord Torinaan landed on the shore of Isle Auridon amidst a hurricane. They had lost their Waystones in the storm, their only guide back to where they came from. These were the first Aldmer, the ancestors of all the elves of Tamriel. Through centuries of tribulation, they wrested control of the islands of Alinor, Auridon, and Artaeum from the Sload and the Dreugh, and named their new holdings The Summerset Isles. Their civilization established, they began sending expeditions out to sea in search of their lost homeland of Aldmeris. What they found instead was Tamriel, a continent full of challenge and change. Their civilization splintered and spread across this land, becoming varied elven races. But one group stayed behind, determined to hold onto who they used to be. Modern Altmer, or High Elves, continue to live in the Summerset Isles. Through generations of carefully maintained breeding programs, Altmer believe themselves to be the closest in appearance and ability to their aldmeri ancestors out of all modern elves. A society built around veneration and emulation of one's ancestors, this civilization claims the highest standards of living, education, and magical achievement of any in the known world. This is in exchange for a great deal of freedom, and severely limited contact with the outside world. Outsiders have historically rarely been allowed on the Isles. Families that produce "defective" children may be exiled, or worse.
Echoes of Lost Aldmeris Triptych

Betrayal and Ascension

In the beginning, there was Anu, the cosmic force of order; and there was Padomay, the cosmic force of chaos and entropy. In their interplay, the original spirits were born. These Et'Ada were gods in the purest sense, capable of creating whole realities of their own. These worlds and their inhabitants were perfect extensions of their immutable will. This was the way of things until a spirit called Lorkhan convinced a number of them to pool their power together in order to create a world that could operate independently of them, and would evolve in unexpected and exciting ways. These spirits created Nirn, and poured some of themselves into it. This was a trap, for the more each spirit gave to Nirn, the faster their power seemed to fade. Thousands of these spirits began to fall from the sky, crashing to its surface in fragile, ephemeral bodies. They became the Ehlnofey, the first race. Though they were immortal, one by one, they all eventually surrendered what remained of their divinity in order to stabilize their unfinished new world for their mortal children.   Lineage is the heart of altmeri religion. The fundamental driving force of altmeri achievement is the belief that godhood is the stolen birthright of all mer, and that in time, they could unmake this reality and return to their true ancestral forms. Every household boasts detailed genealogical records dating back to the Merethic Era, predating written history. The first and most important ancestors are the Aedra. In the blurring of myth and history, the Aedra are sometimes regarded as spirits who gave to Nirn but did not succumb to it, guarding the planet from above. In other versions, they are said to be Aldmer who achieved great feats in life, and unlocked the secrets of godhood, and now guide their descendants to do the same. Which is correct is a matter of fierce theological debate. Regardless, the Aedra are worshipped as the greatest of the ancestors. Models for elvenkind.  

The Aldmeri Pantheon

Worship of the Aedra, which translates to "Our Ancestors" is a deliberate contrast to the supplicating rituals of grateful adoration that humans partake in. Their Gods are family. The best of them. Rather than assuming a deity as one's patron, an altmer will focus their prayers on the deities their clan has the strongest blood connection to. They raise their children to follow in their ancestor's footsteps in life, and arrange marriages generations in advance to strengthen those connections without inbreeding. For those who reject their careers or their duties of procreation, priesthood is a viable path for all bloodlines, and is preferable to banishment.  
  • Auri-El - God of Time: Led the Ehlnofey to victory against the forces of the trickster Lorkhan. He was the first to ascend to godhood so that others could see how to do it themselves.
    - Those with the strongest connection to Auri-El are groomed for leadership. They form the royal families of the kingdoms of Summerset.
  • Trinimac - Warrior God: Served as Auri-El's right-hand in the War of the Ehlnofey. He was the one who tore out Lorkhan's heart as punishment for his betrayal.
    - Raised as soldiers, guards, and blacksmiths. The distinctive Elven Armor made of gold-plated moonstone, with intricate bird-motifs, are the mark of a descendent of Trinimac.
  • Magnus - God of Magic: The architect of Nirn, who was the first to see what their project was doing to their power and retreat. His departure tore a hole in the sky which became the sun. A massive gateway to Aetherius, the sun allows magic into this world. Those spirits who followed him tore smaller openings, which became the stars.
    - Magnus is an exception in the pantheon, as he was never believed to be bound to Nirn. Instead, the stars are considered his children. The Magna-Ge. The night sky is a tapestry left by this family to guide their fallen cousins back home. In every clan, those born under certain constellations are said to be gifted in unique ways regardless of blood.
  • Syrabane - Apprentices' God: A scholar and a mage in life who defeated the Sload, and whose enchanted artifacts were instrumental in stopping the Thrassian Plague.
    - Descendants of Syrabane are raised in secluded centers of magical study, such as the island of the College of Sapiarchs far off from the main archipelago. They are raised to become great mages and scholars of the mysteries of magic and reality.
  • Phynaster - Hero God: Lived a life filled equally with daring adventure and great wisdom. He taught his people how to live longer by taking shorter steps.
    - These elves provide a contrast to the elitist and dogmatic culture of the altmer. The clans of Phynaster produce poets, adventurers, explorers, and great heroes. One noble clan of Phynaster, the Direnni, ventured out into the mainland, creating an entire civilization of their own in what is now High Rock, and are the progenitors of the chivalrous Bretons. Because it is out of step with the rest of society, Phynaster is not typically acknowledged as an Aedra, except by His own Clan.
  • Jephre - Nature God: Caught somewhere between god and ehlnofey, Jephre became a still-living part of the land itself.
    - Another god who has no known direct connection to any altmeri bloodlines. As the lush, green embodiment of their mortal prison, Jephre is seen more as a necessary evil than an ancestor-god. Alchemists, farmers, hunters, and fishermen all pay homage to him. Altmer consider the volatile Bosmer of Valenwood to be his clan, which the high elves believe to be a long-lost offshoot of the early aldmeri explorers who "went native" and were corrupted by it.
  • Mara - Goddess of Love: Known as the Mother of Creation, Mara embodies beauty, art, and fertility. Little is known about Mara's place in elven history. The fact that She exists in human pantheons predating elven contact is a source of endless theological debate.
    - Children who show a particular aptitude for art, music, or beauty are taken by Her clergy, the Children of Mara, to have their natural gifts cultivated.
  • Xarxes - God of Knowledge: The chief scribe of Auri-El and record-keeper of genealogies, Xarxes is The One Who Watches. In life, he learned the secrets of the universe, creating his wife Oghma from his favorite moments in history.
    - The unsung heroes of a rigid, ritualistic society, Xarxes' descendants are bureaucrats, librarians, archivists, and historians. They are devoted to preserving their people's history, and keeping the necessary paperwork in order for the intricate gears of altmer society to function. While these clans hold little political sway, and are certainly the least glamorous, the secrets that they keep make them more powerful than most realize.
  • Stendarr - The God of Mercy: Stendarr in Altmeri custom is the "Apologist of Man" who taught the Aldmer to seek harmonious cooperation with all mortal races, and the value of shared custodianship of the world against the corrupting forces of the daedra.
    - Although He retains some clerics in Summerset, and is counted among their pantheon, His worship is controversial, and few families acknowledge any connection to Him.
The Daedra meaning "Not Our Ancestors" are antithetical to altmeri values. Daedric Princes, the most powerful of the Daedra, with singular power over their own planes of Oblivion, are believed to be Et'Ada who did not participate in the creation of Nirn, and thus retained the full power of their divinity. Yet, they stay close to the world because they delight in tearing down everything the descendants of their more gullible cousins build up. Lesser daedra serve the Princes, or band together in planes maintained by their collective will. Daedra worship in the Summerset Isles is a crime punishable by death.  

Artaeum and the Mages Guild

While most maps show only two main islands in the archipelago, there is a third. The Isle of Artaeum is literally a world unto itself. The oldest monastic order on Tamriel, the Psijic Monks broke away from altmeri society as it grew insular and dogmatic. They study the ancient magic of Mysticism, dissecting the underlying structures of reality in order to better understand their place in it. They contemplate the mysteries of PJJJJ, the "true name" of Padomay, the primordial force of change. Their beliefs grew to contrast the orthodoxy of the high elves, and to avoid becoming entangled in worldly affairs, they utilized the insights of their studies, and ripped their whole island out of Nirn, hiding it in a pocket realm beyond space and time, where they can monitor the progress of the world below. During times of great change, council from the Psijics has been sought out by kings, emperors, and mages. They make themselves known to those who need to see them, and have gone centuries between appearances.   During the waning years of the First Era, before Artaeum was removed from the world, two talented young altmeri mages were each invited by the Monks to join their order. These were Vanus Galerion and Mannimarco. The young monks became inseparable friends and colleagues, pushing eachother to ever greater heights of magical achievement. Their friendship ended when Galerion discovered that his friend had gathered a following, researching how to manipulate mortal souls after death. Their falling out drove them both off the island. Mannimarco and his Worm Cult went on to spread across the underworld of Tamriel. Galerion returned to his home in Firsthold where he went on to found the Mages Guild, a collaborative organization of mages which knows no boarders or allegiance, and funds its members' research through services to the communities of Tamriel. It was the first time in history that magic was used professionally to help the common folk.  

The Fourth Era

In the year 3E 433, fiery gates appeared across Tamriel. Out of the flames came hoards of daedric soldiers, which relentlessly razed the land, and slaughtered any mortal they could find. These were the legions of the Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon. At the height of their atrocities, the last stronghold safe from incursion was the Tower of Crystal-Like-Law, an ancient conduit built by the Aldmer, which was said to exist across all planes of reality at once. The monastic order which guarded the Tower utilized its power to protect refugees and shepherd them to safety. Though it was possibly the most protected place in Tamriel, it was one of Dagon's primary targets. The tower withstood the siege for months, defending its charges from multiple fronts. Eventually, the exhausted monks allowed an infiltrator past their screening, who was able to steal the stone which powered the tower. Once deactivated, it was no match for the magical tremors conjured by the daedric soldiers, and the Crystal Tower finally collapsed.   When hope appeared lost, the gates simply shut off one day, and with one last push, Summerset was able to route the now stranded daedra and end the conflict. This final push was coordinated by the Thalmor, a fanatical political movement. This faction of staunch isolationists, radical even by the standards of the altmer, modeled themselves after the ruling body of the old Aldmeri Dominion, an ancient alliance of elves which twice formed in opposition to human encroachment on the mainland. Though the Imperials claim a long-lost heir to the Empire defeated Dagon and ended the Oblivion Crisis, the Thalmor claim responsibility, citing a secret contingency plan secreted away by their predecessors after the Three Banners War in the Second Era.   Desperate for answers, the people embraced the Thalmor as their saviors, and the organization began to gain power across the Isles. They sent a call across the mainland, inviting all altmer to come home and rebuild, which thousands answered. The Altarch, King Coreriil, was killed during the Crisis, ending a line of rulers dating back to the Merethic Era. Fearing an all out war, the local monarchs of the Isles did not vie for the throne directly, instead ruling the capital remotely as a council until they could agree to a successor. With this additional responsibility, the monarchs have steadily ceded ground to Thalmor rhetoric, fearing revolution if their demands were not met. Thalmor agents were given broad authority to persecute suspected cultists, Imperial loyalists, and blood traitors. As the Isles became more dangerous than ever for those who questioned tradition, it also recovered at a remarkable rate. Soon, the province was growing proud again, and began turning away the relief shipments sent by Ocato, the interim Potentate of the Empire. Months after Black Marsh declared its independence from the Empire, calls for secession, fed by Thalmor propaganda, reached a fever pitch. With their heads on the line, the Council of Alinor voted six to one for independence.  

The Queen's Gambit

Alinor Royal Palace
After their declaration, the Imperial Fleet blockaded the Isles. In respect for altmeri customs, no outsider stepped foot on land. The standoff lasted 13 days, until one ship broke rank and docked at Alinor Harbor. A single occupant stepped onto the pier: Potentate Ocato. It was not lost on the high elves that one of their own currently sat on the Ruby Throne. This son of Firsthold had an imposing figure compared to most of his race, and was a legendarily powerful battlemage. The emerald-clad royal guard of Alinor stood aside in awe of the mer, and escorted him to the castle, where he was said to have stood respectfully to the side of the empty throne, staff in hand. He dismissed every Thalmor representative who came to see him, and waited hours for the remaining monarchs to arrange transport to him.   Not even the Thalmor know the full picture of what was negotiated that day. But rumors abound that it was Queen Morgiah of Firsthold who secured Summerset's peaceful release from Imperial control. A dunmeri noblewoman from Wayrest who married into the throne, and the sole voice for remaining within the empire, few could have guessed she would fight for their freedom with such fire. A popular account of a maid named Eisteoir, who had eavesdropped on the proceedings, quickly became a best-seller. She spoke of how this outsider, hated all her reign for what she was, easily took command of the six other men, and ensured they stood united across the potentate. What was spoken of after this is not known. Eisteoir disappeared during the writing of the book, and the account was published incomplete based on early drafts from her publisher. After twenty hours of negotiation, the six kings left the negotiation with pale faces. They announced their independence, and the end to the blockade. When the uproarious applause finally died down, they announced that they had at last elected Morgiah as their new Altarch.   It has been eight years since Summerset became independent. The Thalmor were expelled from the cities of Alinor and Firsthold, now ruled by Morgiah's son Goranthir. Queen Morgiah's rule remains largely controversial, with only a slim majority favoring her. Though she has proven an effective check on the encroaching power of the Thalmor, their influence on the remaining six kingdoms cannot be extinguished without risking civil war. Embittered by their concession to a harlot outsider, the other monarchs have undermined her at every opportunity, and given the Thalmor ever more authority. Only the single port of Alinor is open to trade from the outside world, and non-high elves remain forbidden from setting foot beyond the docks. The Queen's loyalists and Thalmor agents are fighting a cold war for the soul of the isles, and the peace cannot last much longer.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Alwaen, Angalsama, Aranalda, Ardaline, Ariente, Arquen, Aryarie, Astante, Atraena, Aurelinwae, Caminalda, Carahil, Caranya, Cindanwe, Earana, Eilonwy, Elante, Erissare, Hlidara, Karinnarre, Mirie, Muurine, Nerussa, Ohtesse, Palonirya, Ranaline, Ruma, Sontaire, Tandilwe, Termanwe, Varulae

Masculine names

Aldaril, Anarenen, Andil, Angoril, Armion, Aronil, Arrille, Athellor, Carecalmo, Caryarel, Earmil, Eraamion, Erundil, Fainertil, Falanaamo, Fanildil, Fiiriel, Gladroon, Hecerinde, Hyarnarenquar, Ilmiril, Inganar, Iroroon, Itermerel, Kardryn, Landorume, Meanen, Meryaran, Mollimo, Moranarg, Mororurg, Mossanon, Nande, Nelacar, Norionil, Olquar, Qorwynn, Rimintil, Rumare, Sanyon, Seanwen, Sinyaramen, Sorcalin, Tauryon, Telinturco, Tragrim, Tunengore, Tusamircil, Tyermaillin, Umbacano, Undil, Uulernil, Volanaro, Yakov, Yanniss, Yarnar

Family names

Altmer families are governed by Kinlords, who represent a family line. All citizens of the Isles are expected to carry a Patent of Lineage, listing all family names by order of blood quantum. These patents can become quite extensive, and serve little purpose for outsiders, so altmer typically omit family names, or introduce themselves by their hometown.   An example of a full surname: Rumilion 'len Inecil Culanarin Salolinwe 'ata Piryaden-Itelnoril Hilnore Firlamil 'cal Ternerben-Nivulirel   Some family lines include:   Aliaria, Arana Aldmeri, Areleth, Ateldil, Blenwyth, Brightsteel, Direnni, Duure, Favrete, Galerion, Loganne, Lloderion, Ravenwatch, Temolire, Urayel


Funerary and Memorial customs

Xarxes, the God of Secrets and Hidden Knowledge, is also the god of death in Altmeri culture, recording every deed an Altmer makes in life, as well as their lineage.   Altmer bodies are cremated, and interred in family Wall Shrines. Kinlords, the heads of Altmeri Houses, maintain elaborate mausoleums where they collect the urns of the dead in good standing, whose primary lineage can be claimed by their clan. Kinlords will sometimes compete to prove they have the most legitimate claim to the ashes of notable altmer. These mausoleums act as temples of the dead and are tended to by Priests of Xarxes who defend from graverobbers and necromancy.

Empyrean of Aetherius and the Dreamsleeve

Altmer orthodoxy has refined and consolidated the many cults of the ancient Aldmer into a united mythos. Theirs is the only true religion on Tamriel, as their conception of Aetherius and the Aedra are backed by the greatest scientific rigors the Kinlords could afford. While details and traditions can vary across distances, divergent beliefs are rarely allowed to take root in the Summerset Isles.   According to the very objective research of extraplanar scholars, and confirmed by the crew reports of the famous Bird Ship missions off-world in the late Merethic Era, the souls of elves find reprieve from mortal existence within the Dreamsleeve. The Dreamsleeve is depicted as a vortex of drifting souls separating the realm of the living from the realm of the gods. In life, Altmer must strive for perfection in all things. Perfect blood. Perfect faith. Perfect calligraphy. Perfect discipline. This is all in an effort to refine the spark of divinity left within their mortal souls. When they reach the Dreamsleeve, they enjoy a blissful reprieve from the indignities of mortality. In their slumber, they commune with their ancestors who have ascended fully to the next realm in order to be better prepared for the next life. The memories of their past life are washed away during their slumber, falling back down on Nirn as rain. When ready, elven souls are channeled through their bloodlines and reincarnated.    With every incarnation, an Altmer has a new chance at escaping the cycle for good. Altmer saints are believed to have overcome the cycle, growing their divine spark to the extent that they could perform miracles in life. Altmer of extraordinary accomplishments or grace are believed to ascend beyond the Dreamsleeve, joining the Aedra in the Emperyon of Aetherius, a divine kingdom ruled by Auri-El, the first elf to re-ascend to godhood. Through prayer and veneration of thesaints, these most holy ancestors grow ever-closer to godhood. The royal family of Alinor are said to be so pure in their lineage to Auri-El that they always join Him in Aetherius. The ultimate goal of every elf is to achieve godhood.   The Kinlords contend that successful reincarnation is not guaranteed. The more refined one's soul is, the purer their blood must be, or reincarnation will fail, and a new soul is created from the dilution of their parents' divines sparks. If there are no more viable bodies in an elf's family line, they will be trapped in the Dreamsleeve for eternity. This is how eugenics are justified to the people of Summerset. One's foremost duty is to their bloodline, for the sake of their own immortal souls and those of their clan. Any dereliction of that duty is treason.

Historical figures

  • St. Topal the Pilot - An early aldmeri explorer, credited with the discovery of mainland Tamrial in the first voyage to seek out lost Aldmeris. He traveled up the Niben River and discovered a race of Bird Folk at its basin. According to the surviving fragments of the epic poem Father of the Niben, Topal taught these savages to read, and in exchange was gifted the eight islands which would become the Imperial City.
  • Queen Ayrenn - Leader and founder of the first Aldmeri Dominion in the middle Second Era. Called the "Unforeseen Queen" as she had run away from Summerset as a child, and mysteriously returned at the age of 17 to inherit her father's throne. The alliance she fostered during her travels, even as a child, brought Summerset into the affairs of the mainland, and very nearly returned Cyrodiil to elven rule.
  • Vanus Galerion - Once a promising young wizard from Firsthold, Galerion was trained on Artaeum as a Psijic Monk. He would later return to his hometown to found the Mages Guild, which brings the benefits of magical education to the common people of Tamriel. He spent his life fighting Necromancy in all forms.
  • Mannimarco - The infamous King of Worms, who mastered the art of necromancy more than any other in history. He ruled Cyrodiil for a time during the Planemeld, in service to the Daedric Prince Molag Bal. His cult, the Order of the Black Worm teaches that Mannimarco ascended to godhood during the events of the Warp in the West in 3E417. They claim his mastery of necromancy was so complete that his undead body continued to lead the cult, mind in tact, without a phylactery. The corporeal Mannimarco finally met its ultimate defeat during the Oblivion Crisis. The Worm Cult survives into the Fourth Era, and preaches that the God of Worms is still above us, and has even higher aspirations beyond mere godhood.

Major organizations

Kinlords - leaders of the Clans of the Altmer. The purest of any lineage is apprenticed to the Kinlord, and will inherit vast estates, and governs their Clan's arranged births, careers, and marriages centuries in advance. Members of all Clans can find employment with a Kinlord, fulfilling the roles they were born to play.   Welkynar - an elite force of griphon-mounted knights, dedicated to protecting the Summerset Isles. This organization is based in the city of Cloudrest atop Mt. Eton Nir. In addition to the duties of a squire, Welkynar initiates are expected to raise their mounts from eggs into adulthood. Only a handful of fully-fledged Welkynar are in service at any one time, with the majority of their initiates perishing in the line of duty, or failing out. The death of one's gryphon is automatic expulsion from the order, so a Welkynar will aim to die in service to their people, and allow their gryphon to retire in their stead.   Thalmor - The original Thalmor were a governing body of the first Aldmeri Dominion, charged with the vague task of safeguarding Altmeri Heritage as an answer to public concern over an alliance with other races. Using that vague mandate, the Thalmor grew to be a powerful extension of Queen Ayrenn's will during the course of the Three Banners War. They were recreated during the brief second Dominion as the ruling body of Valenwood. In the late Third Era, the Thalmor again resurfaced as a growing political faction, advocating for increasingly fascistic social changes, even by the standards of the xenophobic altmer culture. Initiation into their ranks is a closely guarded process, and in the early Fourth Era, the Thalmor have a strong influence on most of the nobility of Summerset.

Altmer Traits

Your Altmer character has a variety of natural abilities, the result of countless generations of refinement.

Aetherial Attunement

The strong role of magic in all aspects of Altmer life have made your body sensitive to its presence. Offensive spells are more powerful, but you are also more vulnerable to them in turn. Once per Long Rest, you may add 1d6 to a damage roll for an offensive spell, but must choose to be vulnerable to Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Thunder, or Force damage.

Ehlnofey Ancestry

You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.

Ability Score Increase

Your Intelligence and Wisdom scores increase by 2.


Although elves reach physical maturity at about the same age as humans, mer age at very different rates, slowing to a stop in their 30s, and remaining virtually static until their late 100s. An elf will have lived a long life when they have reached 350. Some elf mages can even slow down their aging process, and live seemingly indefinitely. A secret they do not share with the general populace.


High Elves are beholden to the traditions that tie them to their ancestry. They see themselves as pious and noble keepers of civilization. Other races, particularly non-elves, are seen as merely semi-intelligent animals, unworthy of respect. Though some will lean more toward good or evil depending on temperament, most Altmer are predisposed to Lawful alignments.


Elves range from 5 1/2 to over 8 feet tall and have slender builds. Your size is Medium.


Your base walking speed is 30 feet.


You can speak, read, and write Cyrodilic and Altmeri, which have common roots. Altmeri maintains strong linguistic ties to the language of the Aldmer. Many common terms like Aedra or Daedra or place names are intelligible in modern Altmeri.


  Altmer born in the Summerset Isles were likely raised in a family with ties to one of the deities of their people. You may select one of the following as your family lineage:
  • Auri-El: You were raised by nobles, or wealthy families claiming noble lineage. Wealth flowed directly to the upper class of the old Aldmeri Dominion. Regardless of your current status, you start the game with 50% more gold.
  • Trinimac: You were taught the secrets of Elven Smithing and can create Glass or Moonstone armor given the right materials and time.
  • Syrabane: Your family has ties to secluded schools of magical study. Pick any Level 1 spell from the Wizard Spellbook. Once per Long Rest, you may cast this spell as a normal action. This does not count toward spell limits for any other classes.
  • Phynaster: Descendants of the Hero God are raised to value ambition and adventure, and often have more in common with modern Bretons than other Altmer. Select two of the following to be proficient in: Athletics, Acrobatics, or Animal Handling.
  • Mara: You, or a recent ancestor was taken in by the Children of Mara for having an aptitude for art, music, or beauty. Your Charisma and Wisdom scores increase by 2. This replaces the standard Ability Score Increase for your altmer character.
  • Xarxes: You come from a long line of bureaucrats, librarians, and secret-keepers. Select any major faction in Tamriel, you roll with Advantage on any History or Insight check related to this topic.
  • Hulkynd: Children with deformities or disabilities are often exiled from Altmeri society, forced to live in the wilderness, or underground, or are otherwise hidden away from the public. In order to survive to adulthood, you became proficient in Survival and Stealth.
  • Outlander: You, or your family fled the oppression of Altmeri culture before you were born, or were old enough to be affected. Before the Fourth Era, you would not have been allowed back in Summerset. As the Thalmor have gained in popularity, Outlanders have been invited back into the fold, but nobody on the mainland knows quite what they can expect when they arrive. 
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