
The Galenar are the elven people who reside in the Galendor Forest. They are in all probability the most ancient intelligent species in Kolmark. They have very pale skin and hair ranging from blond to white. Their eyes are usually blue and their features are as gentle and attractive as one would expect from elves. They are slightly taller than other elves and therefore appear somewhat less graceful and more frail.


Major language groups and dialects

Because of their isolation, the Galenar speak an Elven dialect called Galenil. They are, however, able to speak the common Elven language, the knowledge of which they preserve in their texts.

Shared customary codes and values

The Galenar people are very small in numbers and are therefore very homogeneous. Their little contact with other peoples has prevented their ancient culture from being contaminated. The Galenar therefore preserve the traditions of the more conservative elves of Niven.

Common Dress code

Galenars like to wear long dresses that further emphasise their stature. Females in particular often wear dresses with a train. They prefer winter colours, such as white and blue, and are great lovers of silver and white gold jewellery. Males often wear tiaras, while females also wear long earrings, necklaces and bracelets that recall winter motifs.
It is also common practice among young people to resort to magic to alter the colour of their hair, often with unusual choices such as purple and blue. After marriage this is a practice that individuals usually leave behind.

Art & Architecture

Galenar constructions are made entirely of wood and are almost always placed in elevated positions, whether on tree branches, around their trunks or on stilts. The aesthetic taste of these elves is curiously geometric but still harmonious with nature. They are fond of the arched form, to which they frequently resort for the architecture of bridges, balconies, roofs and windows.
They are great woodcarvers and painters. Few among them work metal, but they do so with incredible skill. They employ the same attention to detail in the forging of weapons as they do in goldsmithing. Finally, they have a great passion for the art of miniature, and their books are rich not only in content but also in extraordinary illustrations.

Foods & Cuisine

In complete harmony with nature, the Galenars eat mostly fruit and vegetables. In summer they rarely light the fire and their meals are often salads with raw ingredients, while in winter they prefer to make soups.
They do not use salt and, indeed, have a sweet tooth. The more bitter foods, such as certain berries, are often served with honey to sweeten the taste. They are fond of liqueurs made from the fermentation of various fruits.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Given the elves' small population and low fertility, the birth of a new member is always greeted with a great celebration among the family. This usually consists of an evening of dancing and drinking in the newborn's home if the birth took place in winter, or under one of the public outdoor pavilions during the warmer months.
One year after the birth, the parents choose the child's name and have it recorded in the annals of the Galenar people. Before then, the child bears only the patronymic and family name.

Funerary and Memorial customs

When a Galenar dies, the family sees to it that his death is recorded in the annals of their people. The body is magically preserved and displayed for mourning until the next full moon, after which it is interred inside a living tree trunk with the aid of spells.
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