
Kolmark is an isolated and cold region, surrounded on three sides by mountain ranges and to the south by the Kalrak Sea. The central part of the region is predominantly flat and is divided into two main areas: to the north, where the trees become sparser until they disappear altogether, lies the Norkvest Tundra; the south is dominated by the Plains of Lattak, largely covered by huge coniferous forests.
Kolmark is criss-crossed by numerous rivers, which originate from glaciers and snow-capped peaks. The Koredrun Mountains are the highest and richest in water. The Dorgar, the largest river in the region, originates from them.
The region is also home to two large lakes, the Kardren and the Falken, and a marshy area at its south-eastern end, the Trak's Marshes.


  • Kolmark
Included Locations
Included Organizations
Related Ethnicities
Related Tradition (Primary)