Velan Mallanir

Duke of Anistrad

Velan Mallanir was the Duke of Anistrad from 1065 EA until 19 EM.
He took part in the Ten Years' War, distinguishing himself by his courage and tactical acumen. At the end of the war, in 1065 EA, he was rewarded for his loyalty by King Anton with the Duchy of Anistrad.
He took Lady Tamalia Faliver as his wife in 1070. By her he then had a son, Iaron.
Because of the unrest in East Artan, he did not take part in the Battle of Dragons.
In the first decade of the Age of Mulcrist he juggled the difficult political situation in the kingdom as best he could.
In 19 EM, he was accused of treason by King Anton III but escaped capture by fleeing to Nisia.
He reappeared in 20 EM with strange powers and in his fury massacred the knights who had come to arrest him and his wife Tamalia.
Date of Birth
16/10/1044 EA
Year of Birth
9708 58 Years old