
Artanians are the original humans of Artan, a rather isolated and homogeneous people. The only people with whom they have regular contact, which usually takes the form of clashes, are the Zaré, who call them Metal Men because of the extensive use of heavy armour used by Artanians armies. They are fair-skinned and are therefore easily distinguished from the Zaré, are of medium height and have mostly brown hair and eyes are usually brown or green.


Shared customary codes and values

The Artanians have lived for over a thousand years united under a single kingdom, which has kept their culture strongly homogeneous, despite the fact that the territory they occupy has gradually expanded. Artanian society sees the family as the fundamental nucleus of society and is patriarchal in nature. Although different forms of government were occasionally and locally experimented with, the feudal system is deeply rooted in Artanian culture and the social classes are well established. The landed aristocracy is the class that holds the reins of Artanian society and the one that traditionally bears the main burden in warfare.