The Great Temple of Tromdar is completed

Construction beginning/end


After over a decade of work, the Great Temple of Tromdar was completed.

On the 1st of Wedmond, year 1200, the Great Temple of Tromdar was completed. The temple, which had been under construction for over a decade, was a grand and impressive structure, built of white stone and adorned with intricate carvings and elaborate stained glass windows. It was dedicated to the benevolent triad of Alben, Eirin, and Avalen, and was intended to serve as a place of worship for all of the town's residents. The temple's dedication ceremony was a grand affair, attended by Lord Harr and the members of the town council, as well as representatives from all of the guilds and communities in Tromdar. The ceremony was followed by a week of feasts and celebrations, as the people of Tromdar rejoiced in the completion of their beautiful new temple.

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