History of Kolmark

  • 1072

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    Establishment of the Barony of Kolmark

    The Kingdom of Calradia establishes the Barony of Kolmark, with the Harr family as the ruling dynasty.

    More reading
    Barony of Kolmark
  • 1132

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    Battle of the Dorgar Crossing
    Military: Battle

    A victory of the Hajak barbarians over the Kolmarkees. Torund Harr, second baron of Kolmark, died there.

  • 1178

    15 /3

    Foundation of the dwarf embassy in Tromdar
    Diplomatic action

    The founding of the dwarf embassy in Tromdar begins a new period of diplomatic relations between the Kolmarkee humans and the Koredrun dwarves.

  • 1188

    6 /7

    Agreement of Vargsgord
    Diplomatic action

    An agreement puts an end to decades of raids and war between the Hajaks and the Kolmarkees.

  • 1200

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    The Great Temple of Tromdar is completed
    Construction beginning/end

    After over a decade of work, the Great Temple of Tromdar was completed.