Establishment of the Barony of Kolmark



The Kingdom of Calradia establishes the Barony of Kolmark, with the Harr family as the ruling dynasty.

The Kingdom of Calradia, seeking to expand its influence and solidify its control over the region, formally established the Barony of Kolmark. The Barony was created as a feudal domain, with the Harr family chosen to serve as the ruling dynasty. The establishment of the Barony marked a significant change for the region, which had previously been largely abandoned and sparsely populated. The Kingdom of Calradia saw the potential for the region to be developed and settled, and the creation of the barony was part of a larger effort to encourage immigration and growth in the area. The Harr family, who were already well-respected and influential within the kingdom, were granted significant powers and privileges as the rulers of the Barony. They were tasked with the responsibility of governing the region, maintaining order, and collecting taxes and tribute on behalf of the Kingdom.

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