Earthen Giant: Nol Character in Nocturn | World Anvil
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Earthen Giant: Nol

Constellation Nol

Divine Domains

Nol holds complete power over the soil and stone that composes the world. His control of Earth magic played a crucial role in the world's creation, laying the literal groundwork upon which every other deity built upon. He represents sturdiness and sheer resolve, and is widely worshipped as a protector.

Physical Description

Body Features

Nol's nondraconian form is a massive golem composed of an undefined rock matrix. Aside from his colossal size, the feature that distinguishes him from regular golems is the multitude of crystals that protrude from his back, shoulders, and arms. While mortal golems can get jewels fused to them in a manner similar to piercings, Nol's crystals actually grow from the intense Earth magic within the deity.

As a dragon, the Constellation of Earth takes the shape of a wyvern made entirely from stone, with crystals forming his wings, spikes, and horns.

Apparel & Accessories

Nol wears a cloak and mask like the other members of his pantheon. His cloak is a mossy green, congruous with the element of Earth, and trimmed with silver, denoting his status as a Constellation. His mask is made of the same stone that composes his body, resembling a medieval knight's helm, complete with a plume made from silver filaments.
Divine Classification
Deity Elemental


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