Runic Wood Material in Nocturn | World Anvil
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Runic Wood


Material Characteristics

Runic wood really doesn't look too different from its nonmagical variants. The only difference between, for example, a bough of maple and runic maple is the slight shift in color. Runic wood tends towards the color of mahogany, leading to tinted tones of wood.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Runic wood, brimming with elemental energy as it is, is a very good material for runecrafting. Due to the magic that lies dormant within it, any runes that are carved on it become more powerful than they would be even on an enchanted item.

Geology & Geography

There isn't any specific place where runic wood is found, any sapling that grows in an area of high elemental concentration could theoretically yield magical material. However, there are three notable locations where the wood is practically guaranteed. The first being Irite Jungle. Runic wood there is incredibly potent in Spirit magic, though means of obtaining it are incredibly difficult. The second location is the Aeterna Plains, but the wood is very hard to obtain, with few trees that can actually give large amounts. The third and most viable option of obtaining runic wood is through Oralence Forest. Thanks to the abundance of both chaotic magical energy and trees, runic wood is both convinient and accessible.

Origin & Source

Runic wood is created when a tree absorbs enough elemental energy for that magic to manifest itself within the tree itself. As such, there is no distinct type of tree that gives runic wood, rather trees in areas with high concentrations of energy are prone to yielding this material.

Life & Expiration

Unless treated or preserved in some way, runic wood will rot or decay as unmagicked wood will. However, runic wood also reacts volatilely when overloaded with magic, usually in the form of combustion or explosion.

History & Usage

Everyday use

The most common, if not one of the only, uses of runic wood is in runecrafting. Due to its elementally receptive nature and role as a magic store, the material is routinely used for the creation of complex enchantments.

Manufacturing & Products

Paper created from runic wood, aptly named "runic paper", is often made and used to test the effectiveness of a rune before truly investing a large amount of energy into it.
Wooden, Slightly charged
Common State
Related Locations


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