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Damian Wayne

Lord Damian al Ghul Wayne (a.k.a. Redbird, Vampirechild, The Son of Blood, The Bloodthief, The little Bat, The Son of the Batman, The Heir of the House Wayne)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Damian has an average build and a small height which causes him to often be over towered by many races and creatures.

Special abilities

Transformation: Damian can transform himself into a half-human/half-bat creature and back to human form.   Enhanced Strength: Damian can easily kill a normal human with a strike, as well as break wall structures with his bare hands.   Claws: Damian has sharpened claws which were strong enough to easily tear through flesh and muscle.   Enhanced Endurance: Damian can survive impacts from falls as tall as mountains, without any notable discomfort or injuries at all. He also has increased stamina, since he is able to fly for lengthy periods of time without showing any signs of fatigue or exhaustion at all.   Flight: Damian can naturally fly thanks to his artificially generated wings.   Echolocation: Damian can navigate through the air without sight by screeching, which bounced off potential obstacles and flew back toward the user, which in turn, alerted them to the hazard.   Sound Manipulation: Damian can generate hypersonic waves and sonic bursts from his mouth or by clapping.   Superhuman Senses: Like any Werebat, Damian can smell better than peak-human beings. His ears are ten times more sensible to sounds than human ears.   Animal Empathy: Damian is able to empathically reach out to local bats and ask them for their help, after which they organiz and swarm his targets.   Archery: Damian asserted that his training with the Batman gave him greater mastery of the bow than even the children of Artemus.   Artistry: Damian is considered as skilled with a brush as he is with a sword.   Deception: According to Bruce, Damian is a skilled liar.   Genius Level Intellect: Damian has inherited a genius IQ from his father.   Investigation: Damian, having been trained under the Batman, has been able to deduce people's actions as well as solve mysteries with few amounts of clues.   Martial Arts: Damian has stated he knows just as many martial arts as Bruce and can use them more effectively. Damian may not be physically tough, but he knows how to control his weight to his advantage in combat. He has stated that he knows "one thousand ways to kill a man." Damian's training with Batman has made him a highly formidable combatant. He is one of the few people capable of fighting on par with a child of Kurama, who are amongst the world's most skilled martial artists.   Occultism: Damian has some knowledge of magic and mysticism. He knows at least one magic spell, which allows him to conjure mystical chains to bind others, using a magic wand.   Stealth: Damian was able to sneak into the new Village of York and furthermore into the Bat Castle virtually undetected until he felt necessary. Of all the Were Family members, Damian may be the one that is the most silent.   Swordsmanship: Damian assaulted both Tim Drake and Bruce Wayne on separate occasions with his sword.   Throwing: Damian is trained in shuriken throwing and further trained in Batarang throwing.   Flame Breathing (炎の呼吸 Honō no kokyū?): One of the core Breathing Styles, this style ran in the Wayne family since the invention of Breathing Styles and is eventually passed down to Damian as his father and his aunt are both not able to use it.

Apparel & Accessories

A black robe, a dark grey cloak with hood, a black domino mask, silver leather boots, black belt with a katana holster, dark red shoulder-, elbow- and knee armor, a pair of dark red gloves

Specialized Equipment

Standard Nichirin Katana: Damian carries around a standard-sized and shaped Nichirin katana.   Wand of Klarion: Damian possesses a magic wand that belonged to a deceased Witch Boy, which he can use as a conduit for spell casting.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Heir of the House Wayne, Nightscout for the Were Family

Intellectual Characteristics

Decisive, Arrogance, Efficiency, Assertive, Confidence Difficulty with emotions, Dominance, Extraversion, Goal-oriented, Impatience, Intuition, Judging, Leadership, Logic, Sometimes friendly, Loves animals very much
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Son of Blood, The Bloodthief, The little Bat, The Son of the Batman, The Heir of the House Wayne, The bloody Son, The little Batman, The Vampire, The Bloodbat, The Red Mark, The Bloody One
Date of Birth
15th of Elrakgongora 1492
Circumstances of Birth
Heir of the House Wayne as the next Lord
The Bat Castle of the House Wayne
Current Residence
The Bat Castle of the House Wayne
short, black, messy, spiky
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
exceptionally pale white, leathery like the flight skin of a bat
1.62 m, 2 m (hybrid form)
64kg, 175kg (hybrid form)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Bestial, Human language


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