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Monster Hunter Guild


The Monster Hunter Guild is a cellular type of leadership that centralizes around a Leader which is called the Master Hunter. The Chain of Command falls down based on a Rank system, with Captian being the highest rank anyone can possess in the Guild. In order of descending rankings for the members are as follows; Veteran Hunter, Seasoned Tracker, and Young Blood.   Young Bloods: These hunters are initiates and those who have not yet slain a high ranked monster. They get access to basic hunts but will have the chance to attempt more dangerous hunts to prove their worth.   Seasoned Tracker: These hunters have proven their might by slaying a high ranked monster. They get access to more dangerous, and better paying, hunts.   Veteran Hunter: These hunters are among the rarest as few live long enough to take on the amount of dangerous hunts to achieve this rank. They get access to the most dangerous of hunts that are considered extremely deadly even for these hyper lethal hunters.   Guild Captian: Guild Captians were once Veteran Hunters who have lived long enough to eventually obtain this rank, they have proven themselves not only extremely deadly but also have shown extraordinary leadership skills.   Master Hunter: This rank is only obtained by a Guild Master who has shown themselves to be the embodiment of the hunt. They lead the Guild in all of its decisions.

Public Agenda

The Guild seeks two things, the thrill of hunting monsters and protecting others from them. Collecting trophies and prizes from hunts is very common among them. They practice honor and actively seek battle against monsters to increase their glory with the Guild.


Accommodations: The Guild Halls offer housing, food, and drink for all of its members.   Equipment: Members may buy armor and weapons within the Guild and have the Guilds craftsmen forge equipment for themselves. Additionally members may requisition certain equipment that will aid you in your hunts.   Resources: Members may buy monster parts and exotic materials for crafting from the Guild.   Training: The Guild offers its members training under certain masters of a specific art.   Missions: The Guild supplies members with many missions to slay a variety of beasts and monsters.

Foreign Relations

The Guild has a good relationship with the Were Family as they bare no allegiance to any one nation. However intelligent monsters bare a severe hatred towards them and actively seek to harm or hide from them.

Killer of the Uncontrollable

Founding Date
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
Alternative Names
Hunter's Guild, Monster Killers, Trackers of Beasts
Successor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Monster Hunter
Leader Title


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