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Ethan Winters

Ethan Winters (a.k.a. The Father, The unreal Oni, The Halfling, The Halfling Father)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ethan Winters is a tall and handsome man with short slicked-back light brown hair, dark grey eyes, a slightly muscular build.

Special abilities

Regenerative Healing Factor: Ethan's body regenerates most (if not all) damaged or destroyed tissues and organs at a rate which exceeds that of any normal human. The rate of regeneration is proportional to the damage caused. This process is automatic, and Ethan seems to have no control over it. His healing factor, however, does not seem to stop Ethan from feeling the pain of his wounds nor the pain of his body regenerating itself.   Marksmanship: Ethan is highly skilled with various firearms such as crossbows, bows, ballistas, and throw spears.   Indomitable Will: Ethan possesses a strong will to keep going against impossible odds.   Exceptional intelligence: Ethan has an exceptional intelligence.   Superhuman Stamina: Ethan's healing factor grants him superhuman stamina and is partially immune to fatigue toxins generated by physical exertion and thus has greater endurance than noraml Humans. His stamina has been described as metahuman, indicating the ability to continually exert himself for several days at peak efficiency.   Hand-to-Hand Combat (Basic): As part of his training with the Were Family, Ethan has learned how to fight instead of just relying on his powers.   Mold Body: Ethan's body contains a black, slimy substance called mold since he became a Half-Oni. He can take on animalistic traits with it like horns, fangs, claws, wings or a tail.   Superhuman Strength: Ethan possesses great strength, allowing him to lift heavy loads and combat foes that would otherwise overwhelm him. His physical strength also extends to his legs, enabling him to be able to push off the ground to jump great distances and heights.   Superhuman Agility: Ethan possesses enhanced levels of agility that are far beyond the natural physical limits of a human. Even without training, Ethan was able to do flips, rolls, springs, and land safely on his feet when the situation called for it.   Genetic Memory: Ethan possesses some psychic ability, making him capable of obtaining information from the mold and even from other people simply by touch. With the mold he is capable of recalling these information.

Apparel & Accessories

Ethan is most often seen in his Monster Hunter uniform, with a black button-up shirt underneath, along with the trademark white ascot. When embarking on expeditions, he also wears the Monster Hunter Guild' green hooded cloak.

Specialized Equipment

Silver knife, crossbow and silver bolts

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Not much is known about Ethan´s life before he had Rose besides that he was a human back then but was shortly after his marriage with Mia unknowingly curse by an Oni Lord which is mostly suspected to have been either Mammon or Alastor. This curse turned Ethan into a Hlaf-Oni and he passed on the genes of his new race to his daughter Rosemary. When Rose was younger Ethan joined the Monster Hunter Guild and worked in it until today and even his daughter Rose join in a short while ago as a Young Blood.

Gender Identity





Veteran Hunter of the Monster Hunter Guild

Failures & Embarrassments

Being curse by an Oni Lord

Intellectual Characteristics

Practical, Independent, Logic, Calm, Flexible, Optimism, Problem solver, Reserved, Action-oriented, Adaptable, Detached, Easily bored, Enjoys new things, Insensitive, Objective, Observant, Realistic,, Resourceful, Self-reliant, Tendency to risky behaviour, Unpredictable


Family Ties

Ethan is the husband of Mia Winters and the father of Rosemary Winters.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Father, The unreal Oni, The Halfling, The Halfling Father, Oni Hunter, The Veteran
Date of Birth
16th of Colarenda 1469
Circumstances of Birth
Born as human
Current Residence
Main Hall of the Monster Hunter Guild at the new Village of York
dark grey
short, slicked-back, light brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white, rough, few black veins
1.80 m
75 kg
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Human language, Orcrun, Draconic, Onigo


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