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Basic Information


Firbolgs resemble humans, and the males would sport great, thick beards. Their thick, tough skin is fleshy pink, and their hair, though it come in many colors, was usually either red or blond and worn long. A Firbolg's voice is deep and smooth, and they tend to roll their consonants when speaking.

Genetics and Reproduction

Firbolgs reproduce sexually and are viviparous, they typically have a gestation period of 9 months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Firbolgs from infancy take 4 years to reach childhood and from there it takes 14 years to reach adulthood, at the age of 18 a Firbolg is considered a young adult. A Firbolg who reaches the age of 30 is considered an adult and at the age of 60 they are considered to be elderly.

Ecology and Habitats

Firbolgs live in temperate climates like hills and forests.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Firbolgs are omnivores they procure their food by hunting and gathering or by raiding settlements, those that live with other races in settlements, such as Humans, will obtain their food the same way as the other race does.

Biological Cycle

As time progresses Firbolgs age and grow until eventually their body reaches a point that they can no longer sustain themselves and die.


Firbolgs enjoy quiet time in the woods, in harmony with nature. The forests are sacred to them and symbolize the heart of the earth and the adaptability of life. They see themselves as the forests' caretakers.   Firbolgs consider greed to be one of the worst vices. They believe that one should only ever take what one needs and no more. They see no value in material wealth such as gems and gold, but sometimes will find prankish ways of taking valuables from strangers, out of a sense of fun.   Firbolgs believe that charity was a virtue but also believed that it was harmful for the recipient to know the identity of the provider; because of this they appear to be reclusive amongst the other races, although they are very sociable with established friends. They are extremely honest and can not lie without feeling physical discomfort, even if the lie is by omission.   Firbolgs tend to be over-confident and fearless, except for a pervasive phobia of humanoid mobs. They see the wearing of armor as cowardly, and thus do not usually wear armor. Nor do they carry shields.   Firbolgs are cautious and shrewd in their dealings with outsiders. They distrust most Humans and Demihumans. Among non-giants, they are neutral with Dwarfs, Light Elves, and other races.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Firbolgs have a family-centered, clan-based society. They live in settlements in remote hilly or forested areas. Their settlements are strongholds, including wooden structures, built from the trees around them, with defensive towers with catwalks between them. Rarely, they inhabitcavern complexes dug into the hillsides. They use their magic to ensure that their homes remain a secret to outsiders. These clan settlements are small, with between about four and sixteen members, often with a shaman or druid, and lived separate from each other. A few firbolg clans are nomadic.

Average Intelligence

They are both the most intelligent race of giants.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The average firbolg is stronger than a Clawmarker. Beyond sheer physical strength, they have innate magical abilities. Firbolgs are said to be resistant to magic. They can sense the presence of magical auras innately. They also have the power to change their physical appearance, including making themselves larger or smaller. They sometimes use this magical power to blend in or interact with smaller races.   They have excellent vision at nightand can perhaps see in the dark. Some sages claim that Firbolgs have regenerative abilities. Other sages report that Firbolgs can make themselves turn invisible. They are also said to be able to communicate to a limited effect with both plants and animals of their forest homes.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Human language, Elfara, Language of animals
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Small Giants
500 years
Average Height
The average female Firbolg height is 3‒3.25 m and the average male Firbolg height is 3.2‒3.45 m.
Average Weight
The average female Firbolg weight is 210‒250 kg and the average male Firbolg weight 280‒320 kg.
Average Physique
The average Firbolg physique is large and muscular. However, their physique can vary from being fatter or thinner.


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