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Gaichu, the Goddess of Pest

Gaichu, the Goddess of Pest (a.k.a. The Lady of Plagues, The Queen of Bugs, The Ruler of Caves, The Master of Insects, Lady Snake Tongue, The Poisonous One)

Divine Domains

Pest, Illness, Plagues, Bugs, Insects, Spiders, Caves

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Fly, Spider, Rats, Human Skull, Purple, Scythe, Gray, Brown, Black, Omega

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Push her mother and father from the position as the King and Queen of Gods, take this place for herself and reshape Nomardia to her own will.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She has a powerful frame and stands tall, towering over most race with ease.

Body Features

Gaichu appears as a young female Anacondrai with a fit but aging body. She wears a dark green gem on her forehead and chest.

Special abilities

Battle Prowess: Gaichu has great superhuman strength and combat skills, and some old hymns also described that no ropes could bind her.   Nosokinesis: Gaichu also has power over plagues and epidemics.   Madness Inducement: Gaichu can drive everyone into a state insanement and madness.   Shapeshifting: Gaichu is capable of altering her appearance at will.   Telepathy: She utilizes her telepathy to also control the minds of insects.   Insect Manipulation: Gaichu can command insects. She can control them telepathically via their minds or simply telekinetically control their motor functions.   Shape-Shifting: Gaichu is also able to turn herself in a monstrous spider-like creature.   Terrakinesis: Gaichu has shown to have the power to manipulate the terrain of caves.

Apparel & Accessories

She is wearing an Anacondrai vest. She also has gold sleeves and a large gold armor with spines.

Specialized Equipment

A giant, golden scythe

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Not much is know about her besides that she is the only daughter of Klee and Koral and that she was banned from the Realm of Gods for unknown but mostly very good reasons. Since then Gaichu is known as a vengeful Goddess who wants to take the role as Queen of the Gods for herself and will do ANYTHING to achieve that goal.

Gender Identity




Accomplishments & Achievements

Gathering many follower for her revenge, entertainment and as sacrifices

Failures & Embarrassments

Getting thrown out from the Realm of Gods and banished into the Unholy Lands

Intellectual Characteristics

Manipulative, Excessives lying, Enjoys the misfortune of others, Some control issues with her anger and wrath, Lacks remorse, Lack responsibility, Cruelty, Deceivers, Lacks empathy, Narcissism, Selfish

Morality & Philosophy

She will do EVERYTHING to get or do what she wants, no matter the cost.


Family Ties

Gaichu is the daughter of Klee, the God of Earth and Koral, the Goddess of the Sea. Artemus, the God of the Hunt, Lucifer Morningstar, the God of Angels and Ongaku, the God of Farming.
Divine Classification
Banned Minor Goddess
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Lady of Plagues, The Queen of Bugs, The Ruler of Caves, The Master of Insects, Lady Snake Tongue, The Poisonous One, The Bringer of Pest, The Queen of Spiders
Date of Birth
The Realm of Gods
dark yellow, snake-like pupils
No hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
purple, scaly, rough
2.10 m (mortal form)
175kg (mortal form)
Known Languages
Like all gods, Gaichu can be understood by all mortals regardless of what language she speaks and the native language of the speaker. Besides that is she also able as one of few gods to manipulate her voice so to manipulate and seduce mortals easier into believing her and doing whatever she commands them to.


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