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Zestial Swarap (a.k.a. Spider Freak, Old Man, Spider)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Zestial is a lanky, spider-like Demigod with dark gray skin and lime green eyes.

Identifying Characteristics

When Zestial unfurls his cloak, his eyes glow and the top pair gain red irises.

Special abilities

Monstrous transformation: He can change into the form of a stronger spider-like monster.   Conjuration: Zestial is seemingly able to create objects out of thin air, doing so to produce a full cup of tea and plate during his first meeting with the King of the Misty Swamps.   Bioluminescent Generation: Zestial's eyes, and parts of his spider accessory, can glow when he unfurls his cloak.   Night Vision: Zestial is able to see at night.   Spider-Stingers: He canextend venomous stingers from his wrists.   Entomopathy: Zestial possess the ability to control and manipulate spiders.   Superhuman Strength: Zestial possess superhuman strength with the ability to lift up to 10 tons. He must pull his punches and kicks unless fighting someone of similar or greater physical durability. Otherwise, his blows would prove fatal to a normal human being. He has demonstrated that he is strong enough to knock out people with normal durability with as little as a tap to the head. As such, he rarely lets himself use all of his strength. Zestial's physical strength also extends into his legs, enabling him to be able to jump to a height of several trees in a single bound.   Superhuman Speed: Zestial possess superhuman speed, making him capable of running and moving at speeds that are far beyond the natural physical limits of the human. He moves faster than the eye can follow, he has even moved so fast he appears as a blur.   Superhuman Agility: Zestial's superhuman agility, balance, and bodily coordination are all enhanced to levels that are far beyond the natural physical limits of the human. Zestial is extraordinarily limber, and his tendons and connective tissues are twice as elastic as the average human being is despite their physical strength.   Superhuman Reflexes: Zestial's reflexes are similarly enhanced and are currently about forty times greater than those of an ordinary human. In combination with his spider-sense, the speed of his reflexes allows him to dodge almost any attack, or even arrow shots, given sufficient distance. He has even been shown in some cases, to be able to dodge arrow shot using just his reflexes without his spider-sense.   Superhuman Stamina: Zestial's advanced musculature produces fewer fatigue toxins during physical activity than an ordinary human. This allows him to exert himself physically for much longer periods of time before fatigue begins to impair him. At his peak, he can physically exert himself at his peak capacity for several hours before the build-up of fatigue toxins in his blood begins to impair him. Zestial is able to hold his breath for eight minutes or more.   Superhuman Durability: Zestial's body is physically tougher and more resistant to some types of injury than the body of a normal human. His body is more resistant to impact forces than anything else. He can withstand great impacts, such as falling from a height of a mountain or being struck by an opponent with super strength. Events which would severely injure or kill a normal human, leave him with little to no discomfort.   Superhuman Equilibrium: Zestial possess the ability to achieve a state of perfect equilibrium in any position imaginable. He seems able to adjust his position by instinct, which enables him to balance himself on virtually any object, no matter how small or narrow.   Regeneration: Zestial is able to rapidly heal and regenerate from harm faster and more extensively than normal humans are capable of.   Contaminant Immunity: Due to his accelerated metabolism, Zestial has is immune against most drugs and diseases than normal humans, and he can recover from the effects rapidly.   Wall-Crawling: Zestial's skin has sharp, "barbed" like scopulae hairs that allow him to cling to surfaces.   Musical talent: He is adept in singing.   Intelligence: Presumably due to his age and how long he has spent in the Misty Swamps he has vast intellectual ability.

Apparel & Accessories

He wears all-black clothing, with a pitch black cloak that covers most of his body.   At the front of his cloak is a large black spider with lime green stripes on its eight legs, as well as lime green eyes and lime green on its back. The interior of his cloak is lime green with a spider web pattern and four red spider legs extending across the cloak.    He also wears a distinctive big black top hat with a light grey patch at the front, along with a gray skull and a lime green-and-maroon-striped feather on the right side.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Advisor of the King of the Misty Swamps

Intellectual Characteristics

Independent, Ambitious, Logic, Quiet, Rational, Strategy, Bonds over ideas, No one for chitchat, Casual, Curiosity, Determination, High Energy, Independent, Free spirit, Intelligence, Always striving

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes



Family Ties

Zestial is the son of Gaichu, the Goddess of Pest and an unknown male Thri-Kreen.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Spider Lord, Lord Spider, The Spider King, The great Advisor
Date of Birth
1st of Arachnarok 1457
The Misty Swamps
Current Residence
The Kingdom in the Misty Swamps
light green, no pupils
light brown, short, smooth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
dark grey, leathery, sticky
2.3 m
180 kg
Known Languages
Bestial, Human language, Draconic, Onigo, Orcrun, Elfara, Dwarfian, Kreenorak, Language of animals


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