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Kirk Langstrom

Kirk Langstorm (a.k.a. The Man-Bat, Man without Control, The Lost Soul, The feral Beast)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kirk has an average build and of average height which causes him to often be eye to eye with many races and creatures.

Special abilities

Transformation: Langstrom can transform himself into a half-human/half-bat creature and back to human form.   Enhanced Endurance: Kirk can survive impacts from falls as tall as mountains, without any notable discomfort or injuries at all. He also has increased stamina, since he is able to fly for lengthy periods of time without showing any signs of fatigue or exhaustion at all.   Enhanced Strength: Kirk can easily kill a normal human with a strike, as well as break wall structures with his bare hands.   Flight: Kirk can naturally fly thanks to his artificially generated wings.   Claws: Kirk has sharpened claws which were strong enough to easily tear through flesh and muscle.   Echolocation: Kirk can navigate through the air without sight by screeching, which bounced off potential obstacles and flew back toward the user, which in turn, alerted them to the hazard.   Superhuman Senses: Like any Werebat, Kirk can smell better than peak-human beings. His ears are ten times more sensible to sounds than human ears.   Sound Manipulation: Kirk can generate hypersonic waves and sonic bursts from his mouth or by clapping.   Animal Empathy: Kirk is able to empathically reach out to local bats and ask them for their help, after which they organiz and swarm his targets.   Magic: Kirk possess some ability in performing magic, having learned overtime to open up his magical sensitivity.   Genius Level Intellect: Kirk Langstrom possess a genius-level intellect with interest in various sciences. He was formerly a respected scientist until the bite of a Werebat damaged and stained his reputation among the scientific community.   Occultism: Langstrom gained knowledge of the magical arts. His approach in it's study is similar to his approaches in science and learned how to perform some spell-craft.

Apparel & Accessories

A dark brown friar robe, old straw shoes

Specialized Equipment

Silver fist knife

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Nighthunter of the Were Family, Alchemist of Lord Wayne

Intellectual Characteristics

Objective, Analytical, Creativity, Curious, Independent, Logic, Openness, Enthusiastic, Honest, Imaginative, Quiet, Rationality, Wit
Current Status
Protect those who travel at night
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Man-Bat, Man without Control, The Lost Soul, The feral Beast, The Screecher, The cursed One
Date of Birth
26th of Frostoran 1467
Current Residence
The Bat Castle of the House Wayne
short, smooth, brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I am only The Bat.", " This time.. ... he has chosen the wrong target! I am ... Man-Bat!", "My life hasn't exactly gone the way I planned. I have a lot more to offer the world than losing my mind and trying to eat the Dark Knight... I was a respected scientist once... I thought, perhaps, if I could make some sense of this strangeness, they'd respect me again?"
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Bestial, Human language


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