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Kyodaina, the Goddess of Beasts

Kyodaina, the Goddess of Beasts (a.k.a. The Beastlady, The Great Beast, The Beast of Beast, The Queen of Monsters, The Master of Predetors, The Lady of the Werebeast)

Divine Domains

Beasts, Monsters, Predetors, Werebeast

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Fang, Claw, Fur, Red, Black, Green, Forest, Scale, Tiger, Manticore, Rafflesia, Caves

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kyodaina is a tall female Werecrocodile. Her whole body is covered in hard swamp green scales. She also has quite long limps.    Kyodaina often appears also as a pale white skinned Egyptian woman with short dark grey hair and extremely sharp nails.

Special abilities

Massive Strength: Kyodaina is incalculably strong, stronger than any individual god, besides those of the Big Five.   Durability: Kyodaina is incredibly durable, almost invulnerable to all of the Gods' attacks, easily absorbing those of Yamuna, Artemus, and Kurama and most of the other gods.   Immortality: Kyodaina is immortal and can not die of disease or old age.   Flight: She can fly through hovering or by summoning her wings.   Monster Biokinesis: She is able to create new species or mix other monster species. She is able to manipulate the true natures of monsters, an example of this was when a werewolf came out during a half moon.   Conversion: She can turn Humans into whatever kind of monster she desires, through physical contact, a bite, a kiss, or even a gentle touch.   Super Speed: She can move at undetectable speeds for a human being, allowing her to reappear in different locations at will.   Shapeshifting: Kyodaina is able to turn into every Monster, Predator, Beast and Werebeast.   Telepathy: She was psychically linked to all monsters, allowing her to know what they do and speak to them through their minds and can communicate with her children. She can also read a human's mind.   Compulsion: Using her mental link to her children, Kyodaina can control the various monster lines and instill bloodlust in them.   Super Senses: She possess heightened senses.   Supernatural Concealment: Kyodaina is able to conceal her presence from the watch of others.

Apparel & Accessories

A dark green robe or parts of a brown leather armor

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity




Intellectual Characteristics

Decisive, Arrogance, Analytical, Assertive, Efficiency, Goal-oriented, Intuition, Logic, Strategy, Charisma, Confidence, Difficulty with emotions, Dominance, Extraversion, Impatience, Judging, Leader, Thinking
Divine Classification
Minor Goddess
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Beastlady, The Great Beast, The Beast of Beast, The Queen of Monsters, The Master of Predetors, The Lady of the Werebeast, The Mother of Monsters, The Beast Queen
Date of Birth
The Realm of Gods
Current Residence
The Palace of Beast
dark yellow
dark grey, short, messy ( Only in mortal form)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
scaly, swamp green, rough, pale white (mortal form)
1.80 m (mortal form), 3 m
Known Languages
Like all gods, Kyodaina can be understood by all mortals regardless of what language she speaks and the native language of the speaker.


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