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Herobrine, the God of Thunder

Lord Herobrine, God of Thunder (a.k.a. The King of Lightning, The Lord of Justice, The Master of the Sky, Hero, Brine)

I just had to include this for me hero of my and my friends childhood. I have seen enough of Herobrine stuff and see him rather as the hero like in his name. So yeah, here we go.  

Divine Domains

Thunder, Lightning, Sky, Air, Honor, Justice, Weather


Herobrine's Sword

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Eagle, Oak, Thunderbolt, Bull, Lion, Blue, Laurel wreath

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Herobrine has a well build and quite height figure which causes him to tower over or be eye to eye with most races and creatures.

Body Features

Herobrine appears as a middle aged man, most often of Swedish decent with brown hair and a fit but aging body. He is rather pale as well, and often keeps his face scruffy but never growing a complet full beard.

Special abilities

Possession: Herobrine can possess people.   Invisibility: While not confirmed, it's implied Herobrine can make himself invisible.   Combat skills: He is a skilled fighter able to defeat Koral and Kurama all by himself, even if he mostly used brute force.   Omnificence: Herobrine can create whatever he wants.   Reality-Warping: With his various powers, such as telekinesis and creating just to name a few, Herobrine quite easily qualifies as a reality-warper.   Supernatural Speed: Herobrine can move at inhuman speeds.   Supernatural Strength: Herobrine is so powerful he can destroy the unbreakable with one kick.   Durability: Herobrine can survive being slashed with a sword and get up mere seconds later.   Telekinesis: Herobrine can move people with his mind.   Teleportation: Herobrine can make himself and the ones around him teleport to wherever he wants.   Illusionism: Herobrine can make people noncorporeal.   Flight: Herobrine can hover in the air.   Duplication: Herobrine can make hundreds of clones of himself at once that follow his every order, which he uses to train his students and fight opponents if necessary.   Great Dodging Skills: Herobrine can dodge practically any attack.   Agility: As shown through his dodging skills and speed, Herobrine is quite agile.   Martial Arts Skills: Herobrine knows the basics of it.   Swordsmanship: Herobrine knows how to use a sword.   Archery: Herobrine knows how to use a bow.   Atmokinesis: As the God of the Sky, Herobrine has absolute control over the weather and can create any weather condition.   Hydrokinesis (limited): Herobrine is able to create a global flood by causing tremendous torrents of water to pour down from the heavens all over the world.   Hyetokinesis: As the God of Weather, he has absolute control and divine authority over rain, as well he can choose whether it's going to rain, or even decide when it should stop.   Hailstorms: Herobrine can create any weather condition and can summon powerful hailstorms that annihilate his opponents.   Tornadoes: Herobrine can create any weather condition, and that includes powerful tornadoes.   Hurricanes: Herobrine can create any weather condition, and that includes powerful hurricanes and cyclones.   Thunderstorms: Herobrine is notorious for summoning the most powerful thunderstorms. Whenever he is unpleased, a fierce thunderstorm appears instantly that shakes the very ground.   Lightning Generation: Herobrine can generate tremendous bolts of lightning from his fingertips.   Static Electric Shocks: Herobrine can send great amounts of static shock through the bodies of others on contact.   Electrical Immunity: Herobrine is completely immune to any amount of electricity.   Wind Generation: Herobrine can generate tremendously powerful hurricanes and tornadoes at will.   Air Waves: Herobrines' domain also includes the control of air waves.   Immortality Granting: Herobrine has been shown to grant Immortality.   Immortality Removal: This is by far Herobrine's most feared ability. Unlike the other gods, Herobrine can strip another god of their immortality and godly powers, besides from the other Major Gods. He can remove the powers of other gods and reduce them to practically mortals.   Supernatural Sight: As the God of the Sky, Herobrine has incredibly keen vision.   Height Manipulation: Herobrine can tremendously increase his height.   Justice Control: As the God of Justice and Honor, Herobrine maintains control over the other deities by preventing their feuds from escalating to epic proportions, and ensuring the overall order of the world by handing down and enforcing justice.   Shapeshifting: Herobrine had always had a talent for shapeshifting.   Control of Animals: Herobrine can summon and control animals that are sacred to him.   Lie Detector: Herobrine can sense if someone is telling the truth or not.

Apparel & Accessories

A turquoise tunic, black leather trousers, dark brown leather sandals and a black silk cloak with a hood

Specialized Equipment

Herobrine's Sword

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Teacher, Warrior, Healer, Druid, Merchant and Traveler disguised as human or a humonied race

Intellectual Characteristics

Loyal, Reliable, Compassionate, Organized, Practical, Supportive, Caring, Detail-oriented, Hardworking, Helpful, Observant, Repressing his feelings often


Family Ties

Herobrine is the brother of Faith the Goddess of Dragons and Klee the God of Creation


Herobrine, the God of Thunder

Brother (Important)

Towards King of Gods



King of Gods

Brother (Important)

Towards Herobrine, the God of Thunder



Herobrine, the God of Thunder

Brother (Vital)

Towards The Mother of Dragons



The Mother of Dragons

Sister (Vital)

Towards Herobrine, the God of Thunder



Divine Classification
Major God
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The King of Lightning, The Lord of Justice, The Master of the Sky, The Honored One, The Stormking, The Thunder, The Lightning Bolt, The Weather Maker, The Duke of the Air
Date of Birth
Realm of Gods
King of Gods (Brother)
glowing, white, lack of pupils
short, spikey, brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white
2.2m (mortal form)
87kg (mortal form)
Known Languages
Like all gods, Herobrine can be understood by all mortals regardless of what language he speaks and the native language of the speaker.


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