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Michael Splitter

Micheal Splitter (a.k.a. Mike, The Sunny One, The Sun Child, Summer Son, The white Son, The Gernerals Son)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Michael has white, rough skin and dark brown hair, with dark green eyes. He is rather tall, 1,80, and slimmer than most other in his age with a slim body and not as much muscle tone, as he often relies on magic and stealth rather than strength.

Physical quirks

Michael lost his right leg when he was young by a vulcan breakout and has since then a wooden leg as replacement.

Special abilities

Superhuman Strength: Being half Orc Michael has high levels of superhuman strength.   Superhuman Durability: Michael possess low-level superhuman resilience.   Superhuman Stamina: Michael possess superhuman stamina so he rarely gets tired.   Superhuman Smell: Michael possess an inhuman sense of smell.   Superhuman Hearing: He also possess superhuman hearing.   Aging Immunity: Michael is able to live long enough and still be unaffected by the negative effects of aging. This allows him to have an overall strong body and still fight well, even at an old age/no matter how old he is.   Anger Enhancement: Michael can become stronger and more powerful through rage.   Photokinesis: As the Son of the Goddess of the Sun, Michael has very limited control over sunlight.   Sunlight Rays: Michael can generate a few rays of sunlight.   Pyrokinesis: As the Son of the Goddess of the Sun, Michael has limited control and divine authority over the flames of his mothers Sun Chariot.   Fire Immunity: Michael is mostly immune to any amount of fire and heat.

Apparel & Accessories

Michael often wears a dark brown, slightly torn and to small tunic a, short and very ripped dark green pants, a black belt with scabbard, a dark brown shoulder bag and a a hand-woven Chinese fisherman's hat hardened with light iron plates in it to be able to wear it as a hat and use it as a shield.

Specialized Equipment

golden battle axe with a fire crystal as core

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity




Intellectual Characteristics

Objective, Analytical, Creativity, Curious, Logic, Openness, Enthusiastic, Honest, Imaginative, Independent, Problem solver, Quiet, Rationality, Wit
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Son of General Thrall, The Sun Prince, The Son of the Sun, The Sun Orc, The guiding Light, The Lighter, The Sun Child
Date of Birth
12th of Karoka 1475
Dragon Desert
dark green
short, dark brown, messy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
white, rough, leathery
Known Languages
Human language, Orcrun, very broken Elfara, some Draconic, slightly broken Onigo

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