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Null, the God of Darkness

Null, the God of Darkness (a.k.a. The King of Darkness, The Lord of the Night, The Master of Vampires, The Guardian of Ghouls, The new King of the Moon, The Son of Herobrine)

Divine Domains

Darkness, Night, Vampires, Ghouls, Moon

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Black, Thorns, Owl, Bat, Shadows, Moonstone, Moon, Vampire Fangs, Leather, Kagune

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Null has a slender and quite tall figure which causes him to be often eye to eye with most races and creatures.

Special abilities

Cryokinesis (limited): When the God of the Darkness appears, he can generate an aura of intense cold, which causes "frost to creep across the rocks and grass."   Umbrakinesis: As the God of the Darkness, Null has absolute control over shadows and darkness - the same as his children, but his are tremendously more powerful.   Darkness Generation: He can shoot solid bolts of darkness, and surround enemies into pitch black clouds of lightless space.   Darkness Shields: He can solidify shadows into virtually impenetrable shields, which are strong enough to deflect even Herobrine' thunderbolts.   Darkness Absorption and Dissipation: He can absorb and dissipate shadows.   Imperceptibility: He can use shadows to cover himself in darkness to become invisible. While wearing his Helm of Darkness, Null can pass through walls and melt into shadows, not be touched, seen or heard by anyone, even other Gods or Giants.   Shadow Travel: Hades can use shadows as a way of swift transportation over vast distances.   Shapeshifting: Null is quite skilled at shapeshifting, though he hardly ever utilizes this ability.   Night Empowerment: Null becomes stronger at night or in dark places.   Night Vision: Null is able to see clearly in even total darkness. Ironically, despite literally being the Night, enough darkness will blind him.   Umbrakinetic Vitakinesis: By using darkness, Null can heal himself and others.   Control of Nocturnal Animals: Null is able to control nocturnal animals, such as owls and bats.   Vampire God Physiology: As the God of Vampires, Null possesses all the normal abilities of vampires, only stronger due to being their god. Null has the ability to control bats and transform into a flock of them, usually using them for reconnaissance. Thanks to his divine half, Null is immune to general Vampire weaknesses but still feels some discomfort from them.   Superhuman Strength: Null can lift 60 tons.   Superhuman Durability: Null possesses superhuman durability that allows him to withstand unspecified levels of injury.   Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite his god-like durability, it is possible to injure Null, but any damaged tissue heals much faster and better than even the healthiest human.   Immortality: He is extremely long-lived and is immune to disease and aging.   Magic Manipulation: Null can manipulate mystic energies for supernatural effects such as interdimensional teleportation, telepathy, healing the injured, resurrection, earthquakes and to grant superhuman powers to mortal beings such as the Moon Knight.   Lunakinesis: Null is able to manipulate objects made out of moonrocks.   Intimidation: Null inflicts terror into others.

Apparel & Accessories

A tick and tight pitch black robe

Specialized Equipment

The Helm of Darkness: The Helm of Darkness is a Nulsl' Symbols of Power. The Helm allows Null to melt into shadows and pass through walls. While wearing it he cannot be touched, seen, or heard, and he can radiate fear so intense that it can easily drive a person insane or stop their heart. That this is why most sane creatures fear the dark.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity




Intellectual Characteristics

Practical, Problem solving, Calm, Independent, Optimistic, Assertive, Flexible, Can be Insensitive, Logic, Observant, Realistic, Resourceful, Setting priorities, Spontaneous, Tendency to risky behaviour, Effective at prioritizing
Divine Classification
Minor God
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The King of Darkness, The Lord of the Night, The Master of Vampires, The Guardian of Ghouls, The new King of the Moon, The Son of Herobrine, The Vampire Lord, The King of Ghouls, "The Dark Lord", The Vampire King, The Night King
Date of Birth
The Realm of Gods
Current Residence
The Palace of the Night
glowing, white, lack of pupils
short, raven black, messy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pitch black, leathery, slimy
1.85 m (mortal form)
Known Languages
Like all gods, Null can be understood by all mortals regardless of what language he speaks and the native language of the speaker.


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