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Tomothy van Yurak

Tomothy van Yurak (a.k.a. The Snake Kid, The Serpentine, The Snake Boy, The Snake)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tomothy has two yellow eyes. His body is black with light blue markings.

Identifying Characteristics

Tomothy has a pair of small white horns like that of a Minotaurs.

Special abilities

Forked tongue: Tomothy can smell using the tip of his tongue, and a forked tongue allows him to sense from which direction a smell is coming.   Venomari Venom: Tomothy can spray a lime-colored acid on the target's eyes to make them hallucinate their worst fears.   Enhanced Agility: Tomothy us able to go from one movement to another, effectively allowing him to dodge attacks, do backflips, and numerous other athletic, gymnastic, and martial implements with ease.   Enhanced Bite: Tomothy due to his snake-like jaw and fangs, and the poison in said fangs, possess a extremely powerful bite.   Enhanced Durability: Tomothy due to his scales, is able to shrug off many attacks.   Enhanced Lung Capacity: Tomothy possess tremendous lung capacity, and is able to use oxygen more efficiently than others while staying active.   Enhanced Smell: Tomothy is able to detect certain beasts, beings, objects, places, substances, etc., locate their origins, and even track, using  nothing but his senses of smell.   Enhanced Stealth: Tomothy possess extraordinarily skillful expertise in the various ways and techniques of stealth.   Enhanced Strength: Tomothy us able to exert a great amount of strength from his muscles.   Elastic Jaws: Tomothy is able to open his jaw extremely wide.   Seismic Sense: Tomothy is able to sense and perceive vibrations in the ground.   Snake Communication: Tomothy is able to communicate with snakes and serpentine creatures, both mundane and magical.   Enhanced Endurance: Tomothy is able to survive with little-to-no energy for an extended amount of time.   Enhanced reflexes: Tomothy possess extremely fast reaction speed, effectively allowing him to dodge attacks and react instantaneously to what would take most others more time to react.   Claws: Tomothy is able to use his claws as devastating weapons.

Apparel & Accessories

A white tunic, light brown dirty leather pants, a small brown bag

Specialized Equipment


Mental characteristics

Gender Identity




Intellectual Characteristics

Independent, Practical, Prone to stress, Defys stereotypes, Calm, Does sometimes care about what others think of him, Easily bored, Falls asleep quickly, Flexible, Logic, Observant, Optimistic, Problem solver, Rational, Reserved, Action-oriented, Adventurous, Critical, Detached, Insensitive, Objective, Realistic, Resilient


Family Ties

Tomothy is the son of a male Yuan-ti and a female Minotaurs. He is also the half brother of Luka
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Snake Kid, The Serpentine, The Snake Boy, The Snake
Date of Birth
7th of Kyzergarakora 1491
Dream Valley
No hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
scaly, smooth, black, light blue
1.55 m
45 kg
Known Languages
Human language, Language of animals, Draconic, Elfara,


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