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Basic Information


The appearance of Yuan-ti vary greatly from nearly human-like to nearly snake-like, but all had some serpentine features. Scale colors are usually simple greens and browns, but more elaborate swirls, stripes, or diamond patterns were possible, even in blues and reds. Yuan-ti give off almost no scent that a human could detect, but animals could sense a dry, musty odor from their bodies.   Only the most human-like forms wear clothing, but all varieties wield weapons if they have means to carry them.

Genetics and Reproduction

Female yuan-ti lay eggs in brood chambers, marking each clutch with its parentage, then abandoning them to the care of broodguards. Yuan-ti hatchlings are hatched from these eggs, which are always curious and eager to explore, and will seek food immediately, even eating each other if sustenance is not at hand. Their initial training is provided by broodguards, which also monitor the hatchery. Young yuan-ti are trained in the use of their powers almost immediately after being born. They will turn into tiny vipers and slither to the nearest cover when they see danger or hear a warning.

Growth Rate & Stages

Yuan-tis from infancy take 4 years to reach childhood and from there it takes 14 years to reach adulthood, at the age of 18 a Yuan-ti is considered a young adult. A Yuan-ti who reaches the age of 30 is considered an adult and at the age of 60 they are considered to be elderly.

Ecology and Habitats

Yuan-ti live in warm climate and biomes like jungles and forests. Most of the Yuan-ti live at the Dream Valley.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Yuan-ti are consummate carnivores, eating any kind of warm-blooded flesh, including Humans sometimes. Besides human meat, they also enjoy birds and thus keep large herds of flightless birds captive for food.

Biological Cycle

As time progresses Yuan-tis age and grow until eventually their body reaches a point that they can no longer sustain themselves and die.


The Yuan-ti have a great respect for reptiles of all kinds. May Yuan-ti, tend to be self-absorbed and arrogant. They also tend to be far more intelligent than others of their race and are always plotting and scheming.

Additional Information

Social Structure

In general, the more serpentine features a Yuan-ti possesses the higher its status in Yuan-ti society. Abominations are at the top of their society, followed by halfblood, and finally purebloods. Within their subraces, Yuan-ti are ranked by achievements.   Yuan-ti find the body odor of humans repulsive, so much so that in areas controlled by yuan-ti, humans wore perfume to conceal their body odor.

Facial characteristics

Most have an oriental cast to their face with almond-shaped eyes, those closer to their serpent heritage even have snake eyes as well. The head of the majority of deva-nagaru have full heads of hair and normal ears, while others have no hair and just a pit for their ears and slits for their nostrils.

Average Intelligence

Yuan-Ti have a talent for magic and rituals and are considered particularly intelligent and social creatures.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The sense of touch is highly developed in Yuan-ti. Since the Yuan-ti elongated body is in touch with the ground most of the time, the Yuan-ti’s body contains many tactile receptors that are highly sensitive to any changes in the environment.   Chemosensory perception in Yuan-tis is highly advanced. Most Yuan-tis have an excellent sense of smell, in part to make up for their poor eyesight and limited hearing. A Yuan-ti’s tongue has few taste buds. Yuan-tis use their tongues for collecting chemicals from the atmosphere or ground. The tongue does not have receptors to taste or smell. The tongue is bifid. The tongue gathers scent particles from the surrounding air.   Even though snakes do not have external ears they do have very powerful internal ears. These inner ears pick up low frequency waves or vibrations. The Yuan-tis’ sensitivity to aerial waves is pretty much limited. By some Yuan-tis has been observed that they are able to receive vibrational stimuli with any body part.   Yuan-tis are able to see clearly at the dark but have limited sight at day time and very well lighted places.   Yuan-tis detect both the visible light, and the infrared radiation. Certain Yuan-tis have special heat sensitive pit organs. These Yuan-ti have heat-sensitive, infra-red-detecting facial pits that allow them to detect prey several meters away. They are extremely sensitive to small changes in the temperature and are used to locate warm-blooded prey.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Yuan-Ti often has human names, often complemented by sounds from the Draconic language.

Relationship Ideals

Yuan-ti in their prime will scheme, breed, and work on behalf of their tribes. Breeding is carefully controlled, seen as a holy act, in order to produce the "best" offspring. Prospective partners will coldly measure one another and if both agree that the match is promising, they usually mate, regardless of their personal affections towards each other.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Human language, Language of animals, Draconic, Elfara
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Snake People
Dream Valley
135 years
Average Height
1.4m - 2m
Average Weight
40.8 kg - 127kg
Average Physique
Tall and wiry with toned muscles. These muscles hold a deceptive strength.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Olive or deeply tanned skin is common throughout the ethnicities, while scales/markings all depend on the type of snake they are descended from and/or the terrain type.

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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