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Wu, the General of the Light Elves

Prince Wu Lightheart (a.k.a. The General, The Prince, The Light Bringer, The Master)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Wu has a pale white skin tone and white-blond hair, with golden eyes. He is rather small, 1,78, and slender than most other in his age with a slim body and not as much muscle tone because of him being a Light Elf.

Identifying Characteristics

Wu has a few golden runes on his right wrist which he can use to perform magic which is also much more powerful as he is the son of the king of Light Elves whose family has the purest blood out of all Light Elves.   Wu also has short pointed ears.

Special abilities

Elemental essence of Creation: Being the Prince of Light Elves, he can use the magic of Creation and create something out of nothing, although he rarely uses his ability, because this form of magic must be used with care and wisely knows not to overuse it.   Energy wave: He can knock opponents into the air by hitting the ground with a wave of Magical energy.   Skilled warrior: Having many years of training from his father, and combat experience as general, he is an expert warrior, skilled in hand-to-hand combat, and the use of many weapons, preferring his signature bo staff and occasionally the katana. He is especially good at stick-fighting.   Fishing: He is very good at fishing and has often been with his father.   Swimming: He is good at swimming.   Holding breath: He can hold his breath for a really long time.   Climbing: He is good at climbing tall mountains.   Long lifetime: Having inherited his father's divine ancestry, Wu is live able longer than a pure-blooded human.   Summoning his dragon: Although he rarely uses this ability, he is able to summon his dragon using the Magic of Creation.   Origami: He is able to make a bird from a paper that really flies and flutters its wings.   Drawing: He is to be good at drawing with ink.   Hand shadows: He is to be good at creating various shapes, such as eagles, with his hands as the shadows.

Apparel & Accessories

Wu often wears a white robe, a hand-woven Chinese fisherman's hat and a pair of straw sandals.

Specialized Equipment

Bo staff: Wu predominantly uses his father's bo staff which also has a hidden spearhead inside of it as a means of a weapon and is shown to be extremely proficient in handling it.   Katana: As a young boy, he learned to fight a katana.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





General of the Light Elves

Intellectual Characteristics

Creativity, Empathy, Perfectionism, Insightful, Absorbing emotions, Altruistic, Caring, Intuition, Passionate, Sensitive, Sensitive to criticism, Complex, Deep emotional intimacy, Encouraging, High integrity, Higher on conscientiousness, Introspective, Prone to burnout, Sensitivity to conflict, Reserved, True introverted nature, Visionary
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The General, The Prince, The Light Bringer, The Master
Date of Birth
23rd of Kyzergarakora 1447
Palace of the Light Elves King
Current Residence
Palace of the Light Elves King
white-blond, long, smooth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white
Quotes & Catchphrases
"There comes a time when we all must grow up. When that time comes, it's important not to forget the lessons of our childhood. Because our childhood is the greatest training ground one will ever have.", "Even lessons learned the hard way are lessons learned.", "The greatest victory is that which has no battle.",
Known Languages
Human language, Elfara, Language of animals, Orcrun, Onigo, Dwarfian, Draconic


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