Tobias Bradley Character in Nonagarn | World Anvil
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Tobias Bradley

Tobias Bradley is a fighter who used to work with Odile Sanchez to find those who were responsible for the destruction of Quadrilore.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tobias is knonw for being tall and very muscular. He is a bodybuilder, and strikes fear into a lot of people's hearts because of his body shape. He is quite fast and heavy, too.

Special abilities

Tobias is a humanoid, so he has psionic powers. He has the elemental power of Geokinesis, and the power of Teleportation, because of where he came from. With Geokinesis, he also has Vitrikinesis.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tobias came from a region of Galilea (on Quadrilore) that was a portal to other dimensions. Visits from other dimensions were quite common, but visits from the other planets in the same dimension were unheard of. At one point, the Ilikia came to that region. They wanted to train the people there, after realising they couldn't train the Nexans. When that region refused, the Ilikia forcefully took the younger citizens and brought them to their training centre.   The chief of that region, a woman named Emeraude, made a deal with the Ilikia so that the young were taken, rather than having most of the citizens killed. Years later, Tobias, who was her secretary, made Emeraude promise that they would find the young ones again, and find a new home for all the citizens. However, once they were on Earth, they never got to find another land as the Elders continued chasing them. For their following lives, they tried to build a new place for their people, free from any attacks. However, Tobias wanted Emeraude to be incrimated for letting their young people be taken.

Personality Characteristics


Tobias wants to find the chief of his region, so that he can challenge her for what she did.
Short, messy dark hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white


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