Divine's Folly

The Divine's Folly is a group lead by Rasha Amann. While their existence remains a secret, those aware of the group know their goal is to aim for the destruction of all gods.


Early Origins

First founded aroung 690 AR, Divine's Folly was primarily created to be a counterpoint to fervent religious worship that was happening at the time, particularly in Ossalimar. Zeron Shadelance, a grassfolk with a prickly history surrounding the gods, formed the group from people who felt equally as unheard and unwelcome by the gods. He wrote up a small book that would become the founding creed and code of Divine's Folly for the next sixty years and beyond.   After Zeron's death in 711 AR, there was a scramble for the power that the death of the founder had led to. While several people were hoping to gain the power of the position, Otra Nythual was the only serious candidate, with a significant amount of physical and arcane strength, his devotion to the cause was unwavering and bordered on divine in nature itself. He assumed the position of command and swore an oath on the book written by Zeron Shadelance as a focused devotion to the group's ideals and mission.

Rasha's Arrival

In 737 AR, Rasha Amann first approached Divine's Folly enquiring about joining their ranks. The leaders at the time were concerned by how quickly she was able to find them and her true alliegences. However, she was slowly able to convince them with her actions over the next year. She was able to convince them by slaughtering a cleric of Goldhammer who had been her divine charge for many years.   Over the next ten years, Rasha would climb the ranks until she was a commander under Otra Nythual. After Otra was attacked and killed by a member of the Divine's Folly who was cursed by The Dark Prince, Rasha was chosen to be his successor. At this point Rasha assumed command and expanded the organization's base to form the La Margal compound. She also focused on forming ties with powerful organizations in the continent to develop their mutual goals.

The Destruction of La Margal

In 754 AR, the La Margal compound was mostly destroyed during The Star of La Margal. The source or result of the shooting star is unclear, however it caused enough destruction to warrant the main base of Divine's Folly being abandoned and its main commmanders and leader leaving for new locations.   Now, the organization remains decentralized and focused on their goal in their new scattered state. This however, has allowed the commanders and Rasha even more annonimity than before, with each finding a way to mask themselves among other groups that are wishing to invoke chaos, destruction, or grab power.
Divine's Folly
Basic Infromation
Type Secret Group
Leader Rasha Amann
Base La Margal (former)
Goals Destruction of the Gods
Founder Zeron Shadelance
Formed Around 695 AR
Notable Members Rasha Amann
Scillia Terrathol
Classes FIghter
Ancestries Multiancestry
Allies Veritas Convention
Lord Kerryon Maddorick

Oragnization Structure

Divine's Folly has a singular leader who acts as the figurehead of the organisation. This position is currently filled by Rasha Amann. Beneath Rasha is her three commanders, each of them skilled in their own rite with their own feelings against the gods. These commanders usually have a unique set of skills that distinguishes them from most others in the organization, ranging from arcane power to mastery of natural life.   Each commander, and Rasha herself, have command over a small tactical group that are known as their "Branch", this group is made of some of the most skilled members of Divine's Folly and each branch acts as their own strike force. The members are known as a "leaf". Each leaf is then given the possibility to recruit their own members to act as their footsoldiers in the war. For this reason, there are many who have been inducted into Divine's Folly but have never met or know the true identity of Rasha and her commanders.

Known Members

Name Pronouns Description
Rasha Amann She/They Leader of Divine's Folly, known as the Lady of Falcon's Vale. Once a famed Human adventurer and cleric under Goldhammer, now they despise the gods and their innate corruption.
Akris Letheran He/Him Commnader within Divine's Folly. Tiefling who is skilled with the arcane arts. He was in the branch under Rasha's control until she became the leader. When this happened he was immediately chosen to take her place as a commander.
Pan Gillies They/Them Commander within Divine's Folly. Changeling who became disillusioned with Fae Hand and decided to abandon the Fae Lands. They're extremely cunning and know how to slink into a location with ease.
Ennuc Mythos She/Her Commander within Divine's Folly. Terrapin who left an extremely religious family to seek out something more concrete. Has dedicated herself explicitly to the cause and their oath powers them.
Terevon They/Them A member of Rasha's branch, Terevon is a elderly individual who has a keen eye to divination magics which has allowed them to gain a better understanding of the world. They act as a scout and have been known to sling unique spells should it be required.
Scillia Terrathol She/Her A prominent member of Pan's branch, Scillia has been commanded with leading a selection of chosen individuals in the city of Zhora. She is a half-elven rogue who uses her ability to teleport in the shadows to her advantage.

Former Members

Name Pronouns Description
Myra Shadelance She/Her Grassfolk daughter of the organization's founder, Zeron Shadelance. Myra left upon her father's death and took up residence in Nagran as a way to escape her father's heresy. She works as a simple barkeep and has a young family that she raises using her innate magic to hide them from the remaining Divine's Folly members.
Taralon Shadelance He/Him Grassfolk daughter of the organization's founder, Zeron Shadelance. Taralon remained in the service of Divine's Folly even after Myra left. However, this was his downfall, he was captured and recentred by religious leaders in Grantour. Now he is a cleric serving under Raven's Blood as pennance for the death's he caused.

Allies and Indirect Members

Name Pronouns Description
Lord Kerryon Maddorick He/Him Member of the Unseelie Court in the Fae Lands. Lord Kerryon is known for his political strength and cunning. He was offered a deal by Otra Nythual when he lead Divine's Folly. This offer intrigued him enough to keep himself aligned with the group beyond Otra's death.
Lord Cara'loth Moorelane He/Him Air elementran Archmage of Antiquities for the Veritas Convention. He acts as both the convention's leader as well as a direct envoy with Rasha and members of Divine's Folly
Baronness Zyenna Cracklestone She/Her Grassfolk Archmage of Influence for the Veritas Convention. She is known for controlling the Saitodian who work in tandem with Divine's Folly since their collaboration began.

Articles under Divine's Folly


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Jul 25, 2024 22:26 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

What an interesting and eclectic group of people. I think I'm most interested in the children of the founder, considering they are both now no longer part of the organisation (albeit for different reasons). I don't really agree with the organisation's goals. Seems a bit all or nothing to me!

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Aug 7, 2024 03:43 by Aaron Burr

I love the layout and theme of your world. The color scheme and layout makes it fairly easy to follow along the article! I am always interested to learn the motivations of characters that want to destroy the gods. I know there is a lot of innate corruption because they reflect mortals, but I am curious as to what happened to each of those people specifically to get them to this point, risking themselves to be a part of something like this.

“Almost dead yesterday, maybe dead tomorrow, but alive, gloriously alive, today.” — Robert Jordan, Lord of Chaos   My current project: Elturia
Aug 12, 2024 19:17 by Alan Byers

Excellent article -- I love the rich character cast!

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