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Zeradoth, the Dark Prince is the evil god of survival, murder, and executions. His followers are those who believe in the most depraved and dark ness, that they are able to solve life by murdering those around them. Over the years since The Shatter, the Dark Prince has been attempting to corrupt and influence "good" people.


In many long destroyeddepictions of Zeradoth, he appears to resemble a human man with a skeletal frame and gaunt face that has two black lidless eyes. His dress is often in deep black leather armor with a pauldron made of a crimson metal that seems to have embedded itself into Zeradoth's skin. Sometimes he is depicted as wearing a blood red cloak and hood that covers his long black hair and most of his armor. Regardless of the interpretation, Zeradoth is often seen wielding an array of silver daggers as well as a single blade made of the same crimson metal as his pauldron.


Even among the rest of the Deceiver Gods, Zerdoth is considered extremely cruel, not only to those who oppose him, but even his own followers. Many of them are unsure as to why they perform the actions they do, especially the brutal executions they are enacted to perform. Zeradoth is known to be exceptionally offended when people leave his service


Zeradoth was one of the Deceiver Gods who split from the rest of the gods during The Dawning. Zeradoth along with his other siblings removed their protection from mortal beings leading up to The Rift. The deities who performed this act were banished to their own divine plane where they were trapped for centuries.   Zeradoth used his conciousness and presence to influence mortals during the Age of Creation. In doing so, he was able to help his siblings, particularly Disaki escape from their bindings. In doing so, Disaki, Zeradoth and Pundras were able to start attacking Sovmora. Zeradoth was known to infiltrate into the cities walls, only stopped by the might of Tyril and Marvina who joined forces to repell the Divine attatck. This was one of the many events that involved Zeradoth in The Shatter.
Deity Information
Type The Shattered Pantheon (Deceiver Gods)
Titles The Dark Prince
Pale Executioner
Domains Survival
Common Symbol a drop of blood above a four pointed star made of daggers
Gender Masculine
Pronouns He/Him
Creature Type Celestial
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Home Plane Kazya-Moro
Worship Information
Associated Domain Trickery
Associated Patronage Celestial

Most of Zeradoth's followers were violent killers and struck down many enemies in the course of their attacks during The Shatter. However, it wouldn't last forever as during The Shatter, several of the Heraldic Gods banded together with the aim of banishing Zeradoth from the plane and to lessen the impact of his powers on the realm. However, Zeradoth was deceptive in his mission and was able to hide away from the deities for many years. Once found he quickly lashed out at all of the deities, heavily wounding Djanrol's leg on one side.   It is said in many tales that The Dark Prince is imprisoned in a cage of eternal darkness bound by twelve divine chains that keep him held against any form of will that he still possesses. As a result of this imprisonment and the lack of a divine presence, many of Zeradoth's followers had been culled or vanished by the end of The Shatter.


In present day Nonvyrox, those who are foolish enough to worship Zeradoth are usually much darker in personality than the rest of the population. Many of them have commited a murder before or as the catalyst to their worship. Finding a taste for it, these individuals often present as worshipers of Corvina, but use this status to develop a greater understanding of how to inflict a violent but natural seeming death.   Worshipers of the Dark Prince are known to create false deities to influence and pull in other memebers of different cult-like religions, or factions to help bolster their numbers and also distract people who wish to stop their goals with other people. Some of these organisations are chosen by the will of the Dark Prince to learn more about the world itself.

Commandments of Zeradoth

  • Violent or peaceful, death will come to all.
  • Execution is a mercy for all those around them.
  • To live is to keep goin, to kill for your safety is to survive.

Notable Followers

Name Pronouns Description
Weldrik Omencloud He/Him Born in the Slycol Desert, Weldrick followed Zeradoth after being coaxed into participating in extreme executions at the hand of a Skulker Band
Lady Uvaria Gwythar She/They A noble within the Qil'Soran Republic, Lady Uvaria is known for being a kind and generous person. However in the dark of nights she takes on a darker persona and completes dark executions on behalf of her dark lord.
Xerva Djorn They/He Born to a prominent Light Elven family in the southern parts of the Tylathoram Coast, Xerva was a normal individual until they one day snapped into a murderous rampage.
Black Death Various A small cult of powerful individuals, Black Death are dedicated to causing violent death to all creatures that they can get their hands on. They are known to spread themselves around Heimter to further their agenda and murderous intent.


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Jul 21, 2024 13:01 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

'Zeradoth is known to be exceptionally offended when people leave his service' I feel as though this is not something you want.   Interesting god. I kind of like his tenets even though I hate what he stands for.

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