Dragon Beetle

The Dragon Beetle, also known as Breathers, are a type of insect commonly found in the Slycol Desert.


Dragon Beetles typically possess a grey and gold exoskeleton, highlighted by their red eyes. Unlike most beetles who have a definitive pattern to their exoskeleton that is large plates, Dragon Beetles have almost scale-like chiton that protects them from different types of strikes that may harm them. Dragon Beetles are normally found underground and in the deserts of Kyradon, however, there have been reports that they have moved and resided in the Kyradonian Jungles as a new form of home for them.


The Dragon Beetle has a dense armor that makes it difficult to hit, combined with its deft speed. Despite this, should it be hit, the beetle would not survive most strikes from an adventurer. However, when swarmed together a collection of Dragon Beetles could be deadly.   Dragon Beetles have been known to show the ability to breathe an elemental concotion, usually fire or ice towards a target they are trying to catch. This breath weapon is much more limited in scope than that of their namesake, however in the right circumstances it can be deadly. Some Dragon Beetles also possess another strange ability, some are able to harder their already impressive exterior into a single steel-like shield. When doing so, they become almost impossible to hit for a short time.


There have been many reports of Dragon Beetle attacks over the years, though they all seem to be consistent in their description of events. Usually, it feels like just a regular insect from the desert or jungle has appeared, and then suddenly its been almost overwhelming as several bursts of elemental energy attack the poor individual.   In 649 AR, the first reports of a swarm of Dragon beetles were hinted at in the city of Qil'aoun. A small group finding that they were attacked and saved only by the large nature of the city. This swarm were able to combine their breath weapon together and make a much more formidable type of attack. Unfortunately, this group was also the first report that an individual had died as a result of a Dragon Beetle attack, overwhelmed by the swarm, a Catari warrior was burnt alive.
Dragon Beetle
Biological Information
Type Beast
Sub-Type Beetle
Alignment Unaligned
Vision Normal Vision
Blindsight (30 ft.)
Movement Walking (30 ft.)
Flying (45 ft.)
Abilities Breath Weapon
Physical Characteristics
Size Tiny
Skin Colour Grey and Gold
Eye Colour Red
Distinctions Scale-like Chiton
Sociocultural Information
Also Known As Breather
Planes Material Plane (Nonvyrox)
Locations Kyradon
Environments Jungles


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Jul 15, 2024 13:39 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Ooo, a beetle with a breath attack. Terrifying, but I kind of love it. RIP to that one warrior.

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