
Luanyâl (from the elvish luan: dark, and yâl: to exist), also known as the Dark Existence is a strange form of sickness that originates in the remaining jungles of Kyradon.


Most commonly, an indiviudal can only be afflcited by the Luanyâl if they have direct contact with the disease. However, there is a chance to recieve the Luanyâl from another effect such as an arcane sotmr or open wounds caused by some animalistic carriers. Unfortunately once you have acquired Luanyâl, it is highly difficult to get rid of it. No known cure exists, meaning that it is currently an everlasting curse.


Those who are under the affliction of Luanyâl are known to notice strange creatures who are threatening them from a distance. While these creatures are harmless when an illusion of them is created, there seems to be an undefined form of their face which remains as long as someone tries to keep the image created of the creatures.   Additionally, most people and places that are afflcited have a sense of darkness that follows them around during the rest of their life. This sense of darkness can take a few forms, but most commonly takes away the joyous emotions from an individual, however at the most heightened, the effects can make someone angry against the world.
General Information
Full Name Luanyâl
Also Known As Dark Existence
Type Supernatural Disease
Biological Information
Symptoms Apathy
Dull Pain
Sunken Eyes
Transmission Contact
Carriers Kendjor

Notable Afflictions

This list here is a compliation of different people and places that have been afflicted by Luanyâl. Each will include the date the affliction started, if it has been recorded or known.


604 AR
Deep in the Jungles of Kyradon, the Luangrove is a small hole in the dense jungles. Around 604 AR, some elven scouts found that the plants in this grove had turned entirely black as if covered with a void. Over the years, it seems to have come to light that the radius of the affliction is expanding.

Kel'ya Hlathora

604 AR
A Light Elven Ranger who was with the inital party who found the Luangrove. They had managed to stumble into the grove. For several weeks, they seemed to get darker and darker noticing strange "creatures" who weren't physically present.


Even the most astute of academics in Tren-hlas were unaware of the growing Luanyâl within their city. A vast swathe of people started to be inflicted by the disease and started to lose motivation to do anything before becoming extremely violent as the result of their hallucinations. This started to cause the downfall of the city, which left many people in need of a new home, displaced from the jungle cities powerful defenses.

Quenya Thistledown

694 AR
A Grassfolk from Ankh'eal, Quenya travelled south into the jungles to learn more about her families ancient home. However, in doing so she was struck by a powerful form of Luanyâl that seemed to kill her. Despite this, her body remains with no soul having a hold on the body, leading to a body that is decaying slowly. Quenya, thinking she had become a monster, continued further south running from her family. However, over time she learned that she was slowly spreading more and more of the Luanyâl that killed her. She remains in a hovel within the jungles of Kyradon.


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Jul 4, 2024 22:46 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

What a horrifying sickness. The fact it doesn't kill you (unless you're a grassfolk, maybe?) makes it worse. It feels like anxiety/depression made manifest.

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Jul 5, 2024 00:35 by Owen Davies

The idea is that death isn't a guarantee, it led to her death but wasn't the cause. It is most certainly meant as a mental health allegory, but I feel like its enough removed to keep it separate.

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Jul 5, 2024 01:38 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Yes, I agree :) You did a good job of keeping that line.

Emy x
Explore Etrea
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