
(a.k.a. The Eldest of Dragons, The platinum Dragon, The Valiant)

Bahamut is an Elder Entity.  He is also known as the Platinum Dragon and is a Demigod, and servant of Kerius.  He is the God of Good Dragons, and eternal foe of Tiamat, Goddess of Evil Dragons.

Divine Domains

Good, Law, Air, Dragon

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Dragon's Head in profile

Tenets of Faith

Be vigilant against the evil of Tiamat and her servants.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To keep the power of Tiamat in check.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Bahamut usually take the form of a massive Dragon, whose Platinum Scales shine bright in the sunlight.  His Dragon form is the perfect representative of the species.  He can also take the form of any metallic Dragon, and can use th epowers on any in any form.  When needed he can take on the form of an Archon, or even that of a demi human, to walk among those people unknown.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

There are many different tales about the coming of Bahamut but most of them have him coming to Nor to oppose Tiamat.  The most common has him coming to the Celestial Castle in Cronias in the Seven Heavens.  He came to Kerius in th eguise of an archon and warned him that a great avil will be visited upon Nor.  That Tahkene has awaked Tiamat, the five headed Chromatic Dragon to serve her.  With Tiamat came her horde of evil dragons.  He told KErius that there wa sa champion of the metallic dragons who know the heart of tiamat and could help defend the world against her.  
Kerius in his wisdom, asked what was needed to entreat this champion and request his help.  Bahamut asked that he offer the sacrifice of ten souls, pure of heart.  Though many of KEriuses followers offered themselves immediately, kerius stopped them.  "No, I will not offer one single soul in trade to but this person;s service.  All of my people are dear to me, and we shall do what we must to protect ourselves from his threat without his help."  Bahamut then revealed himself and joyously proclaimed that Kerius had passed the test and that he would partner with the God against Tiamat.  Kerius then replied "It was no real test, as I saw through your disguise easily, and read you heart and knew that you were kind and just."  Bahamut, surprised that KErisu would admit this, rather than accept the compliment, bowed and offered to serve the God in any way he commanded.  Kerius agreed and thus Bahamut became the first of the Demi Gods of the God of justice.

Morality & Philosophy

Bahamut stand for all that is good and kind and just.  He has unending compassion for those who hearts care for other and a special place for those that are or poor means, or poor health.  He hates cruelty and unjust tyranny.  He strives to uphold the highest of ideals and be loyal to his Lord Kerius.

Personality Characteristics


Bahamut is concerned with the evil that can be caused by Tiamat.  He has come to Nor to oppose her, and works tirelessly in this task.  He also work to promote the works of good people.
Divine Classification
Lawful Good

During the Time of the Vemoraxx

Worship of Bahamut is a high crime, and the God doesn't have as many followers.  He has stayed out of the battle for Nor, as Tiamat has not take direct actions herself, and by the laws of Gilidan, this precludes Bahamut from taking any direct action.  He requires his followers to work on his behalf.
The World of Nor


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