Followers of Bahamut

...As each of Tiamat's heads opened their jaws wide there was a great intake of air. All ten eyes turned their gaze on the knight, who had so foolishly attempted to deprive her of her sacrifice. Five Dragon mouths opened, and all hell was unleashed. Fire, cold, electricity, acid, and gas rained down toward the knight who stood his ground, standing tall between the great beast and the young woman tied to the rocks behind him. Then there was a flash of silver, and there he stood shielding the knight with his own body. Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon, Lord of the Dragons, and Servan of Kerius. The evil breaths of Tiamat assaulted him and he screamed in pain, but stood his ground, and when it was over the knight was unhurt.... -

Bahamut is a Demigod under the portfolio of Kerius , God of Justice. The followers of Bahamut are priests of Kerius who have dedicated themselves to the call of Bahamit, the platinum dragon to oppose Timat and her influence in the word.   Symbol: The profile of a Dragon
Alignments allowed: Any Good or Lawful
  Domains: Good, Air, Law, Dragon
  Favored Weapon: Longsword


Most people do not differentiate the worship of Kerius and Bahamut. Some follower of the God of Justice do include prayers to Bahamut along with their prayers to Kerius. Some followers, who have had some type of interaction with a dragon, may consider himself a follower of Bahamut, rather than a follower of Kerius, but in most cases the distinction is rare. Those that do follow Bahamut, are usually warrior types.

Places of Worship

Most temples to Kerius have shrines to Bahamut. That is the most common places for followers to offer prayers to the Platinum Dragon. There are a few places that are dedicated to the God of Metallic Dragons. These places are more like shrines then temples and are usually found in high mountains and hard to reach places.

Holy Texts

The War of the Wyrm is a text that describes the ongoing struggle of Bahamut and Tiamat across many realms. It goes into details about confrontation between the two and their followers and uses thoes to help guide the reader in how they should conduct themselves. It also has much information on the types of dragon that follow Tiamat, and the best way to combat them.


Followers of Bahamut are drawn from the worshippers of Kerius. While they believe in the same tenet of faith as other worshipper of Kerius, they recognize that Tiamat is a powerful threat to the world and feel that there must be people dedicated to stopping her and opposing her influence. They also believe that that a strong alliance with the Metallic Dragon of Nor can only help in the fight against Tiamat and evil in general. Priests Priests of Bahamut act as the warrior of the church, even more than other Priests of the God of Justice. They are less dedicated to learning to fight like soldiers, where many battle priests of KErius can be found, and are more dedicated to learning the art of fighting alone or in small groups. They usually travel more than their counterparts, and are more likely to have no support. They are tasked with seeking out Metallic dragon to aid them in their fight and to build strong relationship with the children of Bahamut. To a follower of Bahamut a Metallic Dragon is almost a scared creature that deserves much respect.

  Clothing/appearance: Priests of Bahamut have no formal dress. They usually wear some type of armor, and favor color of the metallic dragons. Some priests will wear armor made of the hides or scales of a chromatic dragon, to show their opposition to these creatures. They usually pair that with a cloak made from the shedding of a metallic dragon. They favor heavy armor as fighting dragons is dangerous.

    Duties: A priest of Bahamut can perform the same duties as a priest of Kerius, including Marriage, death rights, etc, though it is uncommon as they are often moving from place to place and don't usually settle an any community.


Paladins of Bahamut are even more dedicated to fighting Tiamat and her children than priests. A paladin of Bahamut is rare, as not only must they abide by the code of Kerius, but they must also following the path of the priests of Bahamut, to battle evil dragon wherever they are found, and to forge alliances with Good Dragons. It is the goal of a Paladin of Bahamut to ally with a metallic dragon and be allowed to fight the forces of Tiamat upon it's back or by its side.
Religious, Sect
Parent Organization

Notable Places of Worship

Famous Follower of Bahamut

The World of Nor


Bahamut is a demigod of Kerius

The Current state of the Followers of Bahamut

The Vemoraxx has outlawed all worship of Bahamut and most shrines to the Demigod have ben removed from temples of Kerius.  Worship of the Platinum Dragon has gone underground.  Despite that more people have turned to the Demigod in these trying times people see the cruelty of the Vemoraxx and know that their Goddess has a challenger.  People teach about Bahamut in secret and many hope for a day when the Bahamut will deliver them form the the oppression of the Vemoracc.


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