Evander's Prophecy

A Warning of the End

Hark, though the lands be free
A nightmare now, it troubles me
Two portals open to realms of dread
One of Devils and one of Dead
Do not hold faith in the price of gold
But pay heed to stories the stories of old
A devil can succumb to temptation
And a king can lead into damnation
Trust not those who use lives as tools
And be wary of the King of Fools
Return the hammer to the King of Fire
For a devil in debt shall be no liar
Insight Into a War Unfolding
  The Golden Prince, leader of a faction intending to keep The Freelands free from the influence of outsiders, sent a crew of volunteers in search of a document that he believed would hold answers to the conflicts unfolding throughout the nation. This document was discovered deep in a fort hidden underneath the Freelands and found to be written in an old enchanted cipher. An accomplished magi, Ragavan Mizztern, would be able to decrypt the cipher but was found to be kidnapped by devil worshippers far to the south. The same volunteers would head south to rescue him and bring him back to have the document translated.   His return and decryption of the document also heralded the arrival of important figures from throughout the Freelands who were sympathetic to the cause. After the above prophecy was revealed, some of these figures affirmed some of the events that had been unfolding already. Harrow Broadfoot, a halfling from Mak'Nanda, revealed that there had been multiple sightings of the undead throughout the northern half of the Freelands. Lilica Morhen, one of the acting leaders of Caer Morhen, attested to the rising reports of devil worship to the south.   The rest was a mystery, but the small amounts realized were enough for the prophecy as a whole to be treated seriously. So far, work is being focused on "pay heed to stories of old" as members following the Golden Prince are looking into the history of the Freelands for more information that might help them survive the ordeals ahead.
Current Revelations
  "Two portals... of devils and of dead" - Sightings of both devils and the dead have confirmed throughout the Freelands.   "Stories of old" - Further revalations regarding the prophecy and the war to come may be found in historical texts. This is believed to be circling around the War for the Dragon Kingdoms, specifically the king Iskander and his dealings.   "Return the hammer to the King of Fire" - Karatoan, the last king of the devils, is believed to have lent his hammer to Iskander to defeat Karatoan, one of the Dragon Kings. The hammer was lost in the years following the war somewhere north of Caer Morhen. Current whereabouts are unknown.


Author's Notes

This document is being used in a current Nora campaign.
Evander is a figure shrouded in mystery with odd circumstances surrounding his past.
Some information is being purposefully withheld from the party who frequents this website.

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