Food of the Fae Realm

A Taste of Divine Immortality

Fae creatures possess a unique anatomy that can not be compared to Risen as it is more akin to that of the gods. They possess no need to eat or drink and have no proper organs for processing such things. Instead, they draw their energy from the natural magicks of the land around them and through mystic rituals unbeknownst to the Risen. The thought of hunting or farming had never crossed their mind. This all changed when a delegation of Ehlen arrived at the Summer Court for an extended visit and introduced them to food and beverages.   They were enamored by the very act of eating and drinking along with all of the ceremonies involved regarding group dinners and tea time. Yet without the proper anatomy, their fae bodies rejected the food that they were offered. The fae, always a curious and envious sort, wished to create their own food and rituals that they could enjoy. Members of the seasonal courts brought their please before their respective kings and queens and the process of forming food fit for the fae began.   Referred to by the Risen in their realm as Amrita or Ambrosia, the food of the Fae Realm is less food and more of a magickal energy made manifest. It is a concentration of the magick that the fae use to sustain themselves wrapped up in a physical form. Each seasonal court has its own variety which brings similar effects despite their differences in size and shape. When consumed by the fae creatures, it is said to give them feelings of elation and enhanced strength. Their energy is increased, and their seemingly immortal lives are extended.   Risen have long spread tales and rumors of the effects of what fae food would do to one another if consumed. Many believe that it will give one the eternal youth that the fae are gifted with. Others think that it will leave a Risen charmed, to be forever seeking more of it alongside favor of the fae creatures. Ehlen children are warned that if they ever wander into the Realm of the Fae and consume some of their fruit they will be trapped there forever.   Few Ehlen dignitaries have crossed through one of the gateways into the Fae Realm and none have spoken of the fruit, if they ate it at all. Yet all of these noble Ehlen continue to live overtly long and prosperous lives, leading to the envious whispers of their servants.
Seasonal Harvests
  The shape and style of the fruit offered by the courts is varied wildly depending on the court itself. Despite all their differences, all varieties are said to have an ethereal glow and an alluring odor beyond wordly descriptions.   The Summer Court, first to welcome Risen and spread the joy of food throughout the Fae Realm, grows something similar to a small pink melon with yellow flesh.   The Autumn Court grows golden apples with a similarly metallic flesh.   The Winter Court comes in a citrusy variety, resembling lemons and limes, with a pale purple skin and flesh.   The Spring Court grows theirs on a vine similarly to grapes yet in a plethora of cascading colors down the fruit.   All varieties draw the attention and curiosity of mortal outsiders. These fruits of the fae are also presented and treated with a form of dread; Risen who might consume it know their lives will be forever altered, like a bridge they can cross over but never come back from.


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Aug 12, 2024 03:54 by Paul

Really enjoyed this article. Never make a deal with the fae and certainly don't eat what they offer. I especially love the grapes of cascading colour.

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