Grand Arbiter

Leader of the Arturians

  The Arturian order, ancient faction dedicated to Artur and his teachings, have long worked throughout the world in an attempt to uphold the laws of the land wherever they go. Inside this order, members travel through a strict but ordered hierarchy from their recruitment as a Lawman up through the rank of Arbiter. Above all within their faction is the Grand Arbiter.   The Grand Arbiter is the highest ranking member throughout the entirety of Arturian order. It is not only a recognition of rank, but also a testament to their individual grandeur. They are widely recognized as being the strongest as well as the ones who are closest to Artur. Receiving the title of Grand Arbiter is akin to being recognized as a quasi-deity; a power above others. In the past, Grand Arbiters who have gotten themselves involved in external conflicts have been veritable military forces all on their own.   The title brings with it a number of perks. Aside from the command of the faction as a whole, the Grand Arbiter is respected and granted privileges throughout any nation that recognizes their authority, particularly in La Patria. It is not uncommon for them to be able to receive confidential meetings with the leaders of nations as well as specialized treatments within capital cities. Grand Arbiters in the past have made efforts to stay humble and refuse these special treatments, but have often found it necessary to accept these to conduct their business efficiently.   Each uniform worn by the Grand Arbiter has changed with nearly every transfer of the title. From grand togas to gold-lined suits, the outfits have always given an air of regality and personality about each one. At all times, however, the Grand Arbiter wears a large broach made of Unalloyed Gold in the symbol of Artur's worship. This is an extravagant piece that makes their station easier to recognize.   When it comes to battle, there has been one set of armor made from unalloyed gold that has been passed through the order for nearly as long as its existence. The armor is made from unalloyed gold, similar to the brooch the Grand Arbiters wear, and is constructed in likeness to match closely to the battle garments worn by Artur himself. This armor is believed to be one of, if not the, most enchanted sets throughout the world. It is nearly impervious to damage, changes shape to fit the wearer and is averse to arcane magicks. It enhances the already staggering might of the Grand Arbiter to an unreal height. Many nations have requested its use in battle and many more individuals have sought after this set themselves, only for all of them to be denied. One storied instance of its use in battle was during The War of Magi Ascension, where the Grand Arbiter at the time entered the battle after the burning of Old Sicerrone and completely routed the magi back to The Collective.   The mantle of Grand Arbiter is a heavy one to bear with the power and responsibility assumed by them. This has yet to stop young Arturians from dreaming and coveting the title for their own and there still remain many Arbiters who vie for leadership over the order.  
Rising Through the Ranks
  Achieving the rank is by no means an easy feat. One must first climb through the ranks to Arbiter which is typically only achieved once every few decades due to the scope of work involved and a necessary spot to be open. Afterward, they must lead their chapter to prosperity for a period of no less than fifteen years. This involves maintaining a healthy recruitment level, exemplifying the Arturian lifestyle, and keeping the chapter's treasury from going in the red. Once the chapter has been fully declared to be prosperous, the Arbiter must perform an act of goodwill that will leave a lasting impact on the local area surrounding their chapter, such as the development of roads or empowering local militias.   All of this is just to become qualified -- the individual is still a long way from actually becoming the Grand Arbiter. The leader of the entire Arturians faction will not readily step down from their hard-earned position. And, despite the mountain of work required to be qualified, multiple Arbiters throughout the world have been qualified and are eager for the position. This results in two arbitration meetings to be called; the first to decide whether the current Grand Arbiter should step down and the second to decide who should rightfully take their place. The acting Grand Arbiter first has to be proven incompetent or undeserving of their role, and then the true chaos of a scramble to become the next leader begins.
Armaments of Artur
  Each Arturian chapter is typically bolstered by one or more holy relics; magickal weapons and apparatus said to be blessed by Artur himself. The founding chapter in La Patria bears the most out of all of them and is typically overseen by the Grand Arbiter.   These holy relics are kept behind strong lock and key alongside potent enchantments that can only be bypassed with a sigil held by the acting Arbiter. The Grand Arbiter possesses a unique holy symbol known as the Reliquary Key. This is a master key, an item that can bypass the individual sigils held by each Arbiter.   Becoming the Grand Arbiter grants access to the entire reliquary of holy relics currently in possession by the Arturian order. They will often keep one or more relics about their person at all times as their position comes with threats of danger from those who oppose the Arturian order, or any who might be seeking the Reliquary Key for themselves.   In times of need, this also means that the Grand Arbiter is responsible for the transport of various holy relics between different chapters.   One other commonly held belief is that the Grand Arbiter also remains the bearer of the Altar of Artur, the od Altar able to summon his divinity around the user. This was last displayed during the War of Magi Ascension and rumors continue that the altar is passed from one Grand Arbiter to the next.


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Aug 17, 2024 08:37 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing article.   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3