Watch, Sasq Character in Nora | World Anvil

Watch, Sasq

The Fae Formerly Known as Brindlegarden

  The Fae of the Summer Court are an order-bound bunch, typically lacking the whimsy or aloofness of their Spring and Autumn Court cousins. Brindlegarden was a young sasquatch who had always felt like an outsider amongst his people. He was a carefree and romantic spirit who never shared the packlike loyalty and drive for action of most Summer Fae. Most days, he could be found picking flowers or interrupting the work of others as he neglected his duties. Those around him would always refer to him as having a "heart of spring"; an endearing title as a child and a targeted insult as an adult. Sasquatches were valued for their raw strength and aggression and had no real place in the Summer Court's hierarchy without it. When word began to spread of a long-term scouting mission to the Realm of the Gods, Brindlegarden was quick to be selected in the hopes that he would either shape up or bother the Court no longer.   Life was certainly different on the other side of the gate as one of the Fae of the Witchwood. Quiverfang, the leader of their scouting regiment, was everything he wasn't -- violent, arrogant, and ruthless. Dealing with a leader like him made it impossible for Brindlegarten to pursue his usual aloof behavior. The sasquatch worked under threat of execution to help construct their shelters and secure the grounds around the gate leading back to the Realm of the Fae. He was naturally good at these tasks and performed them well, but always with an aura of despair due to the mental duress he was under from Quiverfang and the other violent fae that followed him. Their shaman, Talonheart, would be the only kindness he knew within their number.   It wasn't long before Quiverfang began to attack local Risen and draw the ire of the townsfolk of Devil's Waystation. They would summon The Wardens of La Patria to investigate and stop these killings. Quiverfang would be defeated by the Warden Officer Sylvaine, but not killed, spared by the diplomatic efforts of the Warden recruits. He would retreat to the Fae Realm and Talonheart would become the single leader of the scouting regiment.   Brindlegarden was finally freed from the violent threats of his old leader. He was left fascinated by these Risen who managed to drive Quivergang away and chose peace over more violence. With no one's blessing but his own, he decided to make his way into the town of Devil's Waystation and pursue his own form of life amongst the Risen living there.   The townsfolk were terrified of this foreign creature that just appeared out of the woods and declared himself as one of them. The sasquatch just proceeded to level nearby trees and begin the construction of a cabin large enough to fit him. Brindlegarden, the sasquatch servant of the Summer Court, was no more. To anyone who would listen past their fear, his name was now Watch, and he was a Risen just like them.  

Feared Outsider, Beloved Neighbor

  The Wardens would be called to Devil's Waystation once again to deal with the remnants of the fae. Mayor Lapide informed them of everything that had happened so far and explained that he had not harmed anyone as of yet, but was regularly stealing chickens and livestock from neighboring homes. They were prepared for a violent confrontation as they approached the overtly large and lopsided cabin now present in the center of town but were pleasantly surprised as they were welcomed with open arms and an offer of dinner. The feared sasquatch explained that he was Watch, a Risen who lived here in town just the same as all of his neighbors.   His words were slow and informal as he lacked the proper speech that other fae had exhibited. Watch was unrefined, but a gentleman in his own right, and treated the Wardens with all the kindness he could muster. It did not take long for the Wardens to discover that his crimes alongside the fear of the townsfolk came from misunderstanding of one another. The sasquatch was too kind of heart to be inherently feared despite his large demeanor, and Risen culture alongside the concept of currency completely eluded the foreign being. He had simply been mimicking their lives as best as he could manage.   The Wardens met with Talonheart within the Witchwood and received his blessing for Watch to remain in town if it kept him happy. Through a long series of bargaining and diplomacy, they managed to convince Mayor Lapide to allow Watch to stay in town. In exchange, Watch would provide physical labor for the town as well as an acting role to scare tourists on their guided ventures into the Witchwood. The Wardens left both parties on amicable terms, and Watch felt that he could not be happier as he was officially welcomed as a citizen of Devil's Waystation. That was until Maxine Dumot came to town.  

Life, Love, and Success

  Maxine Dumot was a fanatic researcher of the Fae and all things related to their realm. Originally from Sicerrone, she made her move to Devil's Waystation after the news of fae dealings and a resident sasquatch began to spread from the local Wardens chapter. She was shocked at how easy it was to make Watch's acquaintance as he invited the newcomer into his home for dinner. Maxine was enthralled with him and stayed in his home engaging him with long questions and inquiries until the small hours of the morning.   Watch was smitten with her and the attentions she paid him in turn. Aside from the few brave children in town, no one had desired to speak with him at such lengths. Upon discovering that she was new in town and lacked a place to stay, he welcomed her to stay with him in the cabin that he had built. Watch explained that as long as she would continue conversations such as these after his working hours she would be more than welcome to stay. Unafraid of the implications, Maxine offered a different bargain to the lonely sasquatch: she would still live in his house and inquire about him to learn all that she could about the Fae Realm. In exchange, she would teach him everything about Risen culture and etiquette so that he could one day present himself as an actual gentleman of the town.   The two of them were inseparable from that point forward. Watch developed such proper speech and manners that, appearances aside, would leave him indistinguishable from the scholars and high society of Sicerrone. Maxine would learn all she could about the fae culture and history of the Summer Court and share her discoveries with her contacts back in the capital. Their shared cabin was remodeled first into a home and then into a small manor as he learned new construction techniques and worked to enhance their standard of living. Watch began to push his own inquiries into how love and courtship were practiced in La Patria and Maxine would answer them honestly. When he felt that their home was appropriate and their bond established, he asked for Maxine's hand.   Watch and Maxine were married in a traditional La Patrian wedding ceremony. Most of the townsfolk of Devil's Waystation and several of Maxine's scholarly connections were in attendance. As the Warden recruits who originally fought for his right to live in the town were indisposed, their officer Sylvaine attended in their stead.   From a beloved but bumbling fool of a sasquatch to a hardworking and well-spoken husband, Watch had found himself entrenched deeply within the town of Devil's Waystation and within the hearts of the citizenry. He had brought prosperity to the town through his strength in labor and the reinforcement of their tourism industry. His wife would continue to push him in the pursuit of excellence and, nearly two years after his tumultuous arrival in town, he would succeed in winning the mayoral election.   Watch continues to serve as the mayor of Devil's Waystation, faithfully serving his community and wife to this day. He continues to apply his natural talents to the town's needs as well as offering professional consultations on matters regarding the Fae Realm and its denizens.
"Coming from a place where I was an outcast of my own people, to a proud husband and neighbor to such fine individuals, I can not speak enough to the kindness that can still be found in the hearts of Risen. You have sincerely blessed my life, and I only wish I can return this service to you."
  - Watch, during his mayoral inauguration.
A Striking Figure
  As is typical of other sasquatches, Watch stands at a staggering twelve feet tall, more than a head taller than even the largest of Ohrlen. He possesses two small, curled horns aside from a powerful set of pure yellow eyes.   With the exception of his face and the front of his torso, his entire body is covered in a double-layered coat of hair most akin to a bear's. The outer layer is long and coarse while the inner coat is dense and soft to the touch. Stripes of brown and black pattern the length of his body, which is what led to his original name of Brindlegarden.   Even the thick layers of fur can not hide his overwhelming musculature. Watch bears a figure that would be the envy of most Risen warriors; heavy, defined layers of muscle with minimal fat present on his body. After setting eyes upon him, it is no wonder how he constructs homes in such a short time as he can rip trees from the earth and carry a trunk in each arm.   Now that he has been instructed in proper Risen etiquette, he wears clothing befitting his work. Watch is often found in a matching set of leather pants and an apron during his construction efforts. In the evening times and during his mayoral duties, he can often be found in a tailored suit.   His wife Maxine put him in connection with Marcus Lindoman of Lindoman's Fineries in Sicerrone, who provides him with all of his custom-tailored outfits.  
On Interspecies Love
  Many outsiders have called into question the odd relationship between Watch and Maxine. Some believe that Maxine took advantage of his simple nature early on, while others believe it all to be some absurd fetishization of his fae nature.   Watch originally denied addressing any of these rumors as he did not wish to entertain this kind of people in any fashion. Maxine, however, did decide to address some of her fellows who had a genuine scholarly interest in their physical intimacy and the question of fae reproduction.   She has explained that although they do share a level of physical intimacy, intercourse and reproduction have been out of discussion in their relationship due to a variety of factors both physical and cultural. Seeing how breeding in the Summer Court of the Fae is a right held explicitly for the Summer Queen and those she bestows it to, even if they physically were able to have children it could have disastrous effects on the relationship between Risen and Fae. Currently, their bond has only strengthened the belief in a future of peace between both realms.   Watch and Maxine have both expressed their satisfaction with their marriage. There are no absurd motives and now, as an educated individual, Watch claims that he was never taken advantage of, only that he feared the opposite was true. They stimulate each other intellectually and spiritually on a level beyond what physicality is capable of. When asked to describe this further, they have both said that they can not.   There is no rational scholarly explanation for love and all other affairs of the heart.


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