
The Gloomire is a very large area of unexplored territory claimed by the kingdom of Wallacia.


The Gloomire is comprised of swamps, flooded forrests, bogs, bayous, and stagnant vegetation-choked waterways.  It is bordered on the east by the Arle River, on the south by the Red River, and on the west by a mountain range.  To the north the elevation of the terrain rises slowly towards settled principalities of Wallacia.  This gradual rise means that the ground slowly transitions from swampland to drier, firmer soil suitable for farming.  The exact border between the two terrains varies from year to year based on differing annual rainfall raising or lowering water levels in the Gloomire.


The flora and fauna of the area are typical of temperate swamps, bogs, forrests, and freshwaters. There have also been sightings of undead, possibly spawned by the Ashmounts to the southwest.    Some more exotic swmap-dwelling creatures have been reported as well.  These include sightings of a green dragon, as well as some mythological creatures.  However, most scholars do not give these accounts much credence.   Finally, there a number of uncivilized humanoid tribes living in the Gloomire, at least near the northern borders.  Little is known about these tribes, other than the savagery of their raids on the Wallacian settlements near the swamp.


Nothing is known about the Gloomire area before the founding of Wallacia. The first explorers on the Red River and Arle River noted the heavily wooded swampy terrain, and simply passed it by without entering.   Later adventurers and military expeditions have reported a few stone ruins near the outskirts of the Gloomire, indicating that the area wasn't always a swamp. Some scholars suggest that this area was solid ground, settled by some civilization of people, before the elevation dropped below the levels of the rivers during the Shattering. However, with no archaeological evidence or corroborating historical text, this theory is pure speculation.   The principalities north of the Gloomire are periodically raided by savage humanoids coming out of the swamps. These have been variously described as "swamp goblins", orcs, and lizard-men. These usually retreat back deep into Gloomire when a military force is mustered to face them.    One large Wallacian expedition did attempt to follow the raiders into the swamp to their home territory, using old maps which puported to show a route of solid ground to support the line of march. However, the maps proved to be out-dated, and most of the Wallacians were killed or "went missing" when the raiders launched a counterattack on the army's flanks while they were strung out along a narrow, raised road through flooded forests.  This became known as the "Bloody Dike Massacre".
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