Wallacian Campaign Session #30

General Summary

  • Continuing onward without taking a rest, the party soon spotted an area ahead that appeared more rotted than the surrounding swamp. The terrain was difficult for them to traverse. The water there was darker, almost black, and completely opaque.
  • As the party walked across the spongy ground, it undulated with slow waves emanating outward from their steps.
  • As they approached a large pool of the black water, they saw a large creature matching the description of the catoblepas emerge onto the shore.
  • Koravhik used his rune knight abilities to grow in size, but the floating bog they had been traveling across could not sustain his greatly increased mass. The bog gave way beneath him and he found himself treading black swamp water.
  • Others from the party attacked the unsuspecting creature from range. When it had a chance to react, the catoblepas dove back into the black water, disappearing from view. However, it was apparent that the party had inflicted serious damage upon it.
  • Almalexia cast a spell to freeze the dingy water under Koravhik, causing it to rise up underneath him as a slippery ice raft. With some effort, Koravhik was able to stand up on it, waiting for the creature to reappear within melee range of him.
  • The catoblapas stuck its head up out of the bog and revealed that the "death gaze" mentioned in the myths was actually a poison-gas "death belch" which covered a wide area. It then ducked back down into the murk, but not before taking another round of ranged damage from the party.
  • The catoblepas continued making hit and run attacks, with the party assailing it from range whenever it appeared. The party eventually killed the beast, but not before it managed to fell Almalexia. Riswynn was able to revive her. However, Almalexia was suffering two levels of exhaustion due to disease from the cataoblepas tusk attacks.
  • The party managed to harvest both catoblepas tusks, both of its eyes, and the "club" on its tail.
  • The party then retraced their steps back towards their raft, stopping in a short distance to make camp for the night.
  • Along the route, they encountered 5 undead humanoids. These creatures appeared to be identical to the 5 undead they had faced the other day. However, they seemed to be weaker this time. The party was able to dispatch them more quickly than during their first encounter.
  • Silvermoon, with her hatred of undead, wanted to stay at this location until they could figure out how to permanently destroy the undead. However, the rest of the party eventually convinced her that the undead were not an imminent threat to innocents while they remained in the Gloomire swamp, so she agreed to leave.
  • We will pick up with our brave band of adventurers again after a short intermission with alternate characters and a different rule-set.

Rewards Granted

Each player earned 1125 XP.   Loot:
  • 2 x catoblepas tusks (quest items)
  • 2 x catoblepas eyes
  • 1 x catoblepas tail club

Missions/Quests Completed

2 x Catoblepas tusks obtained for Edmund Taylahr.
Report Date
28 Jan 2024
Primary Location


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