Elorien Geographic Location in Norien | World Anvil


Positioned at the south of the continent of Norien, beyond what most consider the edge of the known world, the existence of Elorien is a mystery. Discovered and settled by Ikan during the dying days of the Empire of Alharien most people seem to have forgotten that Elorien ever existed. For the people living here the existence of the Empire that once founded their nation has shifted from memory to myth. Only a few know of the wider world at large.   The land itself is a microcosm of of what the Empire of Alharien once was. Breath taking mountains to the east are a home of the dwarfs. A vast and mysterious forest borders to the the east. A coast line to the south established three large harbor cities, that dominate trade and politics of the region. Dreamy meadows, rivers and farmland make for an idyllic bakdrop to the constant political intrigue and infighting. Magic - contrary to the rest of the land - was never gone and mages form an essential part of society.   Yet in recent years people are leaving the region by the boatload - literally. Giant Arks are build in the large harbor cities and leaving packed with people to leave for north - the rumored location of the old Empire. The cause for this mass exodus lies in the west. For years now have hordes of Orc clans poured out of the forest into the land. And while this appears to be bad enough - it turns out that these Orcs where merely fleeing them self. A phenomenon called the Silent Myst slowly creeps across the land. Consuming everything that ever dares to enter it - never for it to be heard from again.


  • Elorien


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