Ikan Settlement in Norien | World Anvil


Ikan is a marvel to behold. Some - most certainly it's citizens - even call it the greatest city of the world.   It clearly justifies this title in terms of size. The outer wall is a near perfect circle encompassing hundred of kilometers in radius. From the out wall to the city wall proper it is nearly a days worth of travel, traversing a wide variety of farmland.   The city itself is divided into districts - mainly defined by the wealth of it's inhabitants. The wide sprawling ghettos of the lower districts house millions of people and are a melting pot of various races and cultures. The well kept districts of the middle class house those who made it out of the perverty of the lower districts. The mansions of the upper class rival the the opulence of kings elsewhere in the world. The vast harbor - it self larger then what some lords claim there land - welcomes hundreds of ships each day, bringing into the city exotic goods from all over the world and food to feed the millions of inhabitants.   Life in this metropolis is chaotic. Crime is rampant and in a constant struggle for dominance with each other and with few elements trying to uphold order. But those who make it - can make it big. As a center of commerce and culture Ikan has brought forth many of the greatest minds of this world.   Yet this most impressing city is but a shadow of it's former glory. Once the center of the Empire of Alharien most of the city - including it's impressive walls - where constructed by the Ethernal Emperor himself. While many of it's magical marvels - masterfully crafted by the Owls - lay dormant for a thousand years, they have recently awoken. A shift that may lead Ikan into another golden age.


Civil - Council of Ikan Military - Grand Marshal of Ikan


Large city
Inhabitant Demonym


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