Etrokien Geographic Location in Norien | World Anvil


While being and independent region for millennia - Etrokien always existed in the shadow if Ikan. Alot of the resources brought forth from the land make there way directly into the behemoth of a city.   Most of the officials of the region have some ties to Ikan. While Ikan is officially bound to refrain from any interference into the politics of the other regions, any ruler with a strong position against Ikan finds them self replaced rather soon.   The south of the region is involved in the Splinter War that is bleeding over from Albrien, ravaging the land. A few years ago Ikan, abusing some loopholes in the Contract of the Dragon, tried a military invention to end the conflict that started to threathed their position of power. Yet there attempts failed miserably and in the end only worsened the situation for everyone involved.


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