
The Whoresons where founded with noble intentions - by literal sons of Whores. They took over the red light district of the lower districts and greatly improved the safety and quality of life for the people involved in the sex industry.   Yet time and power corrupted the gang. They slowly became just as tyrannic as the pimps they once replaces. Under the rule of Yesfir drug dealing was added to the business of the gang and became a major source of income.   Members of the gang wear the mark of the whore - in cutting of the right ring finger. While originally an act of protest aimed at this archaic tradition, it become more of a sign of commitment towards the gang.   The gang came into the crossfire of the Battle of Barad. Their district became overrun by invading forces of The Twins and most of the members either died or defected. It is unknown if the gang can recover from this blow.


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