
The capital of Gharlarad and seat to the palace of the Sultan of Gharalad.   Barad is a city divided. The opulent mansions of the upper district exist in stark contrast to the grimy slums of the lower district. The decadent lifestyle of the upper class seemingly mocks the daily struggle of the poor populous.   The center of the city - both geographically and culturally is the Temple District of Barad that contains places of worship to most major and minor religions in the world, as well as the main temples to some of the local aspects of major religions like the Temple of the Elmari and Fountains of the Ghazanar.  
Capital of @Gharalad


Industry & Trade

The river bed of the Ghazanar falls steep, allowing for the passage of ocean-going ships up to the city. Hence alot of the products from further up the stream a brought to Barad via smaller transport boats and are loaded onto ships for further exports. Theses geographic circumstances contributed to the formation of a enormous export industry and making Barad the largest center of commerce for Gharlarad and one of the largest for the entirety of Norien.

Guilds and Factions

Alternative Name(s)
Pearl of the Desert


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