Iarno Albrek Character in Northwest Faerûn | World Anvil

Iarno Albrek

(a.k.a. Glasstaff)

Leader of the Redbrands in Phandalin, Iarno Albrek (known to them as Glasstaff) was a member of the Lords’ Alliance and friend of Sildar Hallwinter. He seized an opportunity in Phandalin to line his own pockets. Originally tasked with setting up a constabulary, the mage instead assembled a group of outlaws and local ruffians to secure his own position in town. Iarno knew of Nezznar  through his contacts in the Lords’ Alliance and brokered a meeting. The drow promised to share the secrets and wealth of the Forge of Spells with the wizard in exchange for his help and loyalty.   He was captured by the party and thrown in jail, but has since been broken out and his current whereabouts are unknown.
Year of Birth
1353 DR 48 Years old