Panton Knoll Character in Northwest Faerûn | World Anvil

Panton Knoll

A childhood friend of Valamin, Panton saved Valamin's from raiders in their home of Ormath when they were young. Having lost their families, they became each other's new family and bonded throughout the years. When Valamin's choices led them in to servitude to the Zhentarim, Panton followed his friend for many more years.   Panton had the gift of foresight; his ability to see glimpses of near futures allowed the mercenary group that he and Valamin ran to stay one step ahead of their competitors. After a mutiny, Valamin was killed and Panton was forced in to working for the new leader: Cyrus Cage.   After Cyrus's death on May 8th, 1401, Panton was freed from his bond and accompanied the party to Elturel.
Date of Birth
July 16
Year of Birth
1271 DR 130 Years old