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The ruling Archfey of the Summer Court and the Queen of the Fey, Titania commands the utmost respect and loyalty of the denizens of the Feywild. She takes the appearance of an eladrin woman with fair skin, flawless facial features and waist length hair. Her hair and eye color constantly cycles through the colors of the rainbow, though they are never the same color as each other. She wears a dress that looks as though it is composed of leaves which also changes in color - a lighter shade of whatever color her hair currently is. Atop her head sits a crown of flowers which take on the same color of Titania's eyes and at her hip hangs a slender sword with a pure white hilt, no guard, a black hilt with silver inlays and a blue gem serving as the pommel.   Titania, along with the other members of the Summer Court were imprisoned by the Shadow Dragon Skithiryx when he caught them off-guard with a spell specifically designed to capture the Archfey and make use of their own power. She spent her imprisonment watching as her own power was used to draw in and trap those from the Material Plane.   As the ruler of all Fey, Titania possesses great power - enough to return all of the inhabitants of the Material Plane and their settlements to their proper place, though it took three days for her to gather the power to do so.   Upon being freed she did not offer the party any material reward, stating that nothing she could physically give them would be enough to repay her debt, though she did offer the full support of the Fey if needed in the future.   "We Fey are timeless, but we live only for the moment. We exist in the here and now, following whatever whims strike our fancy. As such, we are not driven as mortals are, and cannot be moved to fight for such causes as you are..... But if it was to repay a debt? Well then, that would be another matter. 'To take back as much as is taken, to create as much as is destroyed, to give as much as is received'. This is the way of the Fey. By this law we shall lend you our strength. In your greatest hour of need, do not hesitate to call upon us."

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