Руатим - Ruathym
Бесплодный остров находится на расстоянии более 300 километров к северу от архипелага Муншае. Руатим является родиной предков северян — варваров, колонизировавших северные острова Муншае и Лускан. Их разбросанные стойбища и деревни теснятся вблизи островных фьордов и заливов. Город Руатим с населением около 6 000 — самое крупное поселение на острове. Перехватывая все подплывающие корабли, Руатим избежал большую часть несчастий, обрушившихся на Муншае.
Остров Руатим - исконная родина всех Северян, которые ныне живут на островах Моря Мечей, и людей, которые в старые времена основали Иллуск, нынешний Лускан, и распространились как народ Иллускана. Воинственные жители Руатима помнят об этом наследии и считают право повелевать другими Северянами и городами побережья своим от рождения. Торговцы могут торговать с Руатимом, приехав в его одноименную столицу, но я бы лично не рисковала делать там остановку, если можно этого избежать. Никогда нельзя сказать, когда Руатим окажется в войне, в случае чего любой корабль в поле видимости может стать прекрасным военным трофеем.
The barbarians of Ruathym are at war with Luskan and have been for as long as any of them can remember. Luskanite raiders have plundered and razed the island’s settlements more than once, but the natives keep rebuilding their villages and their ships while singing songs of bloody vengeance. The reigning king of Ruathym is First Axe Vok Dorrg (CE male Illuskan human priest), a blind and vindictive old man who worships Valkur, a lesser god of the sea. The king rules from the Hall of Black Waves, a temple in the seaside town of Ruathym. Although he’s too old to take up arms himself, Vok Dorrg has many fierce sons, daughters, and grandchildren to captain his ships and terrorize his enemies
Ruathym, cradle of conquerors
Far to the north of the rest of the Moonshaes is Ruathym. The Earthmother has no eyes there. How do I know that? I now know things that I’ve never read. I have knowledge that I wasn’t taught. Will this connection drive me mad? Am I already there? No, I don’t think so. Writing notes to yourself in a journal isn’t crazy, is it? The island of Ruathym is only nominally part of the Moonshae Isles, as it rests 200 miles north of the main islands of the Moonshaes. Most present-day Northlanders point to the island as the place from which their ancestors set sail hundreds of years ago to conquer and settle the lands of the Moonshaes Despite the inhospitable nature of the island, more than 6,000 souls live in the largest settlement on Ruathym. The Northlanders who live in this small city (and elsewhere on the island) are savage and violent by comparison to the Northlanders of the Moonshaes. Every few years a strong leader emerges who can unite the population, but then it usually falls back into feuding between petty leaders of different tribes or factions when that leader falls. The people of Ruathym fell under the sway of the Storm Maiden, believing she was the one who could lead the Northlanders (and their more civilized cousins from the Moonshaes) into a new golden age. The leader of Ruathym, Dagh Lahrskald, pledged his fealty to the Storm Maiden after she dueled and defeated his three most skilled berserkers at the same time. The old warrior keeps his force of barbarians, shamans, and witches at the ready, hoping for the return of the Storm Maiden. In the meantime, they continue their small-scale raiding and pillaging elsewhere in the Moonshaes and the Sword Coast.Если вы хотите что то добавить или присоединится к команде редакторов - пишите комментарии
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