Randal Fasthands
Race: Human
Class: Ranger
Background: Faction Agent
Gender: Male
Appearance: Formal, clean clothes
High Ability: Dexterity-lithe, agile, graceful
Low Ability: Constitution-sickly, pale
Talent: Great with children
Mannerism: Prone to predictions of doom
Interaction Trait: Quiet
Values: Change (Chaotic), Dedicated to fulfilling a personal life goal
Flaw or Secret: Foolhardy bravery
Race: Human
Subraces and Variants:
Ethnicity: Chondathan
Physical Characteristics:
Age: 31 years
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 138 lbs.
Eyes: Gray
Skin: Pale
Hair: Blond
Class: Ranger
Ranger Archetype: Hunter
View of the World: Towns and cities are the best places for those who can't survive on their own.
Homeland: You wandered the far north, learning how to protect yourself and prosper in a realm overrun by ice.
Sworn Enemy: You respect your chosen enemy, and you see your battles as a test of respective skills.
Became a ranger because: I served in an army, learning the precepts of my profession while blazing trails and scouting enemy encampments.
Background: Faction Agent
Faction: The Lords' Alliance
Trait: I idolize a particular hero of my faith, and constantly refer to that person's deeds and example.
Ideal: Change. We must help bring about the changes the gods are constantly working in the world. (Chaotic)
Bond: I owe my life to the priest who took me in when my parents died.
Flaw: Once I pick a goal, I become obsessed with it to the detriment of everything else in my life.
Note: This section is dependent on your race, class, and background, and will randomize when any of those three sections is changed.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Birthplace: In the Shadowfell
Absent Parent(s): Your parent(s) abandoned you
Family Lifestyle: Comfortable
Childhood Home: Small house
Childhood Memories: I had several friends, and my childhood was generally a happy one.
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Alignment: Neutral Good
Occupation: Criminal
Status: Alive and well
Relationship: Friendly
Birth Order: Older
Life Events:
Friend: You made a friend of a(n) kenku druid.
Boon: You found a riding horse.
Supernatural Event: You witnessed a falling red star, a face appearing in the frost, or some other bizarre happening. You are certain that it was an omen of some sort.
Trinket: A diary written in a language you don't know
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