Ruathym Settlement in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


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Despite the inhospitable nature of the island, more than 6,000 souls live in the largest settlement on Ruathym. The Northlanders who live in this small city (and elsewhere on the island) are savage and violent by comparison to the Northlanders of the Moonshaes. Every few years a strong leader emerges who can unite the population, but then it usually falls back into feuding between petty leaders of different tribes or factions when that leader falls. The people of Ruathym fell under the sway of the Storm Maiden, believing she was the one who could lead the Northlanders (and their more civilized cousins from the Moonshaes) into a new golden age.   The leader of Ruathym, Dagh Lahrskald, pledged his fealty to the Storm Maiden after she dueled and defeated his three most skilled berserkers at the same time. The old warrior keeps his force of barbarians, shamans, and witches at the ready, hoping for the return of the Storm Maiden. In the meantime, they continue their small-scale raiding and pillaging elsewhere in the Moonshaes and the Sword Coast.

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